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EOS Rebel T5 external audio options


I recently purchases a Canon EOS Rebel T5 online, I realized when I got the camera tha it was not a T5I as I thought (my fault for not paying closer attention) I am filming a movie using this camera and I WILL need external audio (i.e Shotgun mic) However where this camra does not have an external audio input jack aside from getting a different camera what are my options if any for using external audio? Thank you in advance for all your help. Also be adv. this is my first time using this camera but I will have a camera and audio person in control. I just want to have all my ducks in a row before I get those people on board. Thank you again


Product Expert
Product Expert
Hi SpartaFire446, As you've seen, this camera does not offer a connection for an external microphone. I regret the difficulty this causes.
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@Richard wrote:
Hi SpartaFire446, As you've seen, this camera does not offer a connection for an external microphone. I regret the difficulty this causes.

Thank you for restating what he already knows. You've been a tremndous help to all of us.

@zekethegeke wrote:

@Richard wrote:
Hi SpartaFire446, As you've seen, this camera does not offer a connection for an external microphone. I regret the difficulty this causes.

Thank you for restating what he already knows. You've been a tremndous help to all of us.

As have you.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

Hi SpartaFire446!

I purchased a T5 not fulling understading the difference in features between the T5 and the T5I.

As far as external audio goes with a boom, The work around I would suggest would be to buy any audio recorder that will accept your microphones input and record audio via the recorder. I tend to clap on camera so I have a reference point to sync the audio in post production.

Not exactly the answer I am sure you were looking for, but I seems to do handle the problem well enough for me, although I do not do video often!

Lol no its not the answer I was hoping for but its an option. I appreciate it


"Re: EOS Rebel T6 dose not have a mic port, is there a connector I could buy so I could use my microphone"


You should start a new post for your new issue, instead of resurrecting an old, existing thread.  Someone, somewhere is getting email notifications about your issue, and they're almost certainly unwelcomed.


AS to your question.  The T6 does not have an external microphone input.  Period.  It is the least expensive Canon DSLR.

"The right mouse button is your friend."


There is more then one way to skin a cat, just because the camera does not have external audio capability, doesn't mean you can't use an external mic.  Analog motion picture cameras, do not have audio, instead it is laid down as a separate recording, using a  clapper, the clapper is a 2 piece device, that has a hinge in the middle, and often a chalk surface allowing the scene and other information to be placed in the video.  It is used to synchronize the audio and video in post production.  lt has some side benefits, in that you can use separate software to cleanup the audio before combining them.  Especially handy if your outside, and wind noise is a problem, in that you can re-record the audio in a studio or other quiet place, and then merge them together, this is very common in motion picture production.  
