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EOS Rebel SL2 All WB settings giving yellow/orange sky after sunrise, no blue


I have a question re firmware. I have a Canon EOS Rebel SL2, firmware 1.0.1, which was updated earlier this year. Prior to the update, I had no trouble getting blue sky after sunrise. Now, all I get is yellow & orange. It doesn't matter if I'm using WB of Auto, Sun, Shade or Cloudy.... every WB setting shoots the same. My question is.... Is it possible to upload the previous firmware - I did not see it in the firmware list? Thank you for any help you are able to provide. If necessary, I can provide a link to the flickr album which shows all the post-sunrise colors.


If you really care about accurately reproducing colors, which sounds like you do, then you'll need to have a proper color workflow.  And that includes having a calibrated display.  Why?  You can capture accurate colors with your camera, only to then view the images on your computer and then mess up the colors if your monitor is skewed towards say green.

For your latter scenario where lighting conditions are changing, this is even more reason to shoot in RAW.


Camera: EOS 5D IV, EF 50mm f/1.2L, EF 135mm f/2L
Lighting: Profoto Lights & Modifiers


I too have to learn about setting a Custom White Balance.

Have you investigated different metering modes? The reason I ask is that I was reading the other day that while Evaluative Metering attempts to balance out the light levels across the entire scene, a single strong light source can kind of take over and overwhelm the balance.

You  might try a partial metering mode, or a spot metering mode, and meter off a blue spot in the sky. Lock that exposure, and then fo us and recompose your shot. 

That might result in your bright areas being too bright, and you might not like the results, but it's a thought.

Steve Thomas 


You are exactly right, Steve. I did not and do not know why I used Evaluative. Thank you for that excellent point.. next time.

Thank you, Ricky. Someone on this thread explained a bit about the Kelvin for different WB settings. I am going to learn a bit about that subject. Any other photo subject (other than very bright sunrise), what I see in the subject, is exactly what I see in the camera, and reproduced exactly in the monitor. It may be as someone just reminded me... I need to remember to use the Spot Metering mode when shooting bright sunshine - not the evaluative, as I was using in the pics I attached. I've been in touch with a pro photog friend, who does not believe the monitor needs calibrating but that I need to learn how to use Kelvin. I intend to work on understanding it. Also, we spent over an hour on the phone updating the firmware - that was a very trying experience, but it's done! Thank you.
