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EOS R8 lost videos on SD card - how to recover?


I lost some videos after dummy battery cable was disconnected. I can see 0 bytes mp4 files and I can see that my SD card have lots of used space - exactly like it have some videos on it.

Usually EOS utility helps, but this time I didnt notice this and moved all 0 bytes files from SD to my PC, so, there is nothing to recover in EOS utility.

I run chkdsk utility with /f argument and it creates FOUND.000 directory with .CHK files, looks exactly same size and amount as lost videos - but I cant open it in any software.

So, even if I did something wrong already - is there a way to restore video files that was lost after camera was powered off during recording?


Do you really knew what you talking about? While recording, camera writes data to SD card. When recording stops incrorrectly - data stays on SD card without headers/file information. And you can get this data as .chk file after chkdsk /f. I can get unfinished viedos and audio from different cameras and recorders and I've been done it many times before - but I cant open files from Canon R8.

Good luck and have a nice day. 

"Enjoying photography since 1972."


Just something to do next time, create a disk image of the card before running CHKDSK. Then you can play around with the copy and even send it to other people.

Yes, it is always a good idea, but in this case it was 512GB SD card, it was almost full and I didnt have enough free space on my PC.
