EOS R6 Mark II: Will not power on with new fully charged battery


I have a Canon R6 Mii that’s been working great since I’ve had it for about a month now. Problem started when I put a new FULLY CHARGED battery into the camera. I turned the camera on and it did absolutely nothing. Thinking it was the wrong battery I put my original battery back into the camera and when I turned on the camera it did nothing, it wouldn’t power on. I removed the battery again, put it back in and the camera recognized the battery, flashing a red light, I turned the camera on and it worked. I did the same process with the NEW BATTERY, it worked and powered on. Then I put my original battery back in and the same problem happened again, would not power on, had to remove the battery put it back in and it powered on……..why is this happening it never never happened before after charging my battery and putting it back in the camera….PLEASE HELP!! 




Have you checked the battery compartment to see if there is any dirt or debris in there?

Are the batteries seated properly? Is the battery door closing properly?

Steve Thomas


Yes, it’s a brand new camera, I’ve watched all the videos talking about making sure it’s clean, etc. and I did that.  But never had this issue of not starting up unless you take the battery back out and putting it back in again….


What precisely does it say on each battery.

LP-E6NH or LP-E6P?

If there is one of each version, which have different power ratings, that might cause the issue.

cheers, TREVOR

The mark of good photographer is less what they hold in their hand, it's more what they hold in their head;
"All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow", Leo Tolstoy;
"Skill in photography is acquired by practice and not by purchase" Percy W. Harris

It is the LP-E6P, everything on line says it’s compatible, the LP-E6NH is out of stock everywhere I looked. So, I shouldn’t use the E6P then???


I have the same problem as you
