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EOS R5 known bugs


Just looking for a place where known bugs are listed. Is there such a thing? I've noticed some peculiar things and don't want to add to the forum noise for something thats already been addresed or even posibly working as intended.





R5 still locking up /frozen screen/EVF with 1.1.1 firmware.

Happened again with 500 mm f4 mkii 

@Charly_Canon wrote:

R5 still locking up /frozen screen/EVF with 1.1.1 firmware.

Happened again with 500 mm f4 mkii 

If you are having issues with the camera, then I suggest that you contact Canon Support.  

This is only a user forum.  It is not Canon Support.

"The right mouse button is your friend."

Well, if you can provide me with a link to report this common problem on the R5 , I surely will report it. I look forward to your reply.  The title of this thread topic is "EOS R5 known bugs"  maybe Canon support should read it, another R5 user with same problem R5 Camera freezing

@Charly_Canon wrote:

Well, if you can provide me with a link to report this common problem on the R5 , I surely will report it. I look forward to your reply

Unsurprisingly, the Support phone number is on the Canon Web site.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

No one is answering surprisingly enough Smiley Mad

Friends, I did report the problems I've been having to Canon support (via email).  I got a prompt reply from a tech who read my report of problems (as in my earlier post).  He was responsive and polite.  He had no solutions but said he would forward my account of the problems "to engineering".


Quite obviously the R5, wonderful camera that it is, is not *quite* ready for prime time.  I'd advise against relying it as your sole camera on assignment until the problems have been addressed with appropriate firmware updates.  I haven't had a chance to retest with firmware 1.1.1.  But, based on the reponses above, it's probably not bug-free just yet.


Can't wait for that happy moment.  It really is a wonderful camera.

@Charly_Canon wrote:

No one is answering surprisingly enough Smiley Mad



We're sorry to hear that you're having an issue with your camera. We encourage you to reach out to support via your My Canon Account at


If you're outside of the USA, support in your country/region can be found HERE.

Thank you

Hey Charly, keep posting your issues, please. Some users have forgotten that this is a community free to post any issue, inquiry, teach, document something, anything related to Canon cameras and lenses. I hate when those guys write (and waste a post comment) to say "this site is not for this or for that". Please, read the Thread title: "EOS R5 known bugs", so, please keep posting your issues. Maybe it's not a general R5, maybe it's only your camera, or it's general... That's why we are here, to know and share more info about this camera.


 Charly_Canon, Curious, I had only one lock up and I only use the 500L II pretty much exclusively. My lock up occurred when changing with the lens' selector switches, how did your's occur?
