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EOS R5 Remove EU 29:59 Record Time Limit


With all the talk of record limits due to overheating, not many people are talking about the fact that this camera still has the antiquated 29:59 EU record time limit.  I believe Canon needs to remove this.



Some of the impetus for mirrorless is because so many people want camcorders and mirrorless grew out of the video camera experience.  Even with the move to mirrorless, these R series are still biased more towards a "still" photo camera with the ability to do some video work.  If you need long video segments, you are crossing the line over to where you really need a camcorder with its active cooling system instead of a stills camera which is biased towards at least some level of weather resistance which isn't a good setup for rejecting internal heat to the outside environment.


A constantly active sensor, A/D converter, processor, and storage media are all creating a lot of heat and trying to go beyond 30 minutes puts an already seriously undersized cooling setup into the unworkable zone.  The Canon 1 series have the best setup in the stills segment for cooling with a large body that dumps a lot of heat into the battery compartment where it can be more readily rejected but even these bodies aren't up to extended high bit rate shooting in high ambient temperature.  Canon has warnings in the 1DX III manual that even the high speed memory card can become painfully hot to touch after an extended high bit rate video session and this shows that these components are being run at an unusually high temperature due to the inability to shed heat within a largely sealed body.  This is where forced air cooled video oriented cameras are needed.  I have three 1DX series bodies but rarely use them for anything more than a very short video "snippet".  If I am shooting extensive video, I also carry my XF-400 and if I was planning to do cinema level video it would be with a C series body but the XF-400 with its integrated lens is perfect for sports.



EOS 1DX M3, 1DX M2, 1DX, 5DS R, M6 Mark II, 1D M2, EOS 650 (film), many lenses, XF400 video


I do not think anyone is going around holding a vlogging camera at arm's length for 30 minutes.  If you're making video content that is in excess of 20-30 minutes in a studio environment, then you need a camera that puts out clean HDMI and an external recording device.  Something like a Blackmagic ATEM switcher would be useful, too.

"The right mouse button is your friend."

@Waddizzle wrote:

I do not think anyone is going around holding a vlogging camera at arm's length for 30 minutes. 

Dude, they make these things called TRIPODS for this.


@Waddizzle wrote:

 If you're making video content that is in excess of 20-30 minutes in a studio environment, then you need a camera that puts out clean HDMI and an external recording device.  Something like a Blackmagic ATEM switcher would be useful, too.

Well, we're not all making our content in a studio. External HDMI recorder & switcher is just a BIT overkill for recording my child's 60-min band concert.


Are you seriously trying to argue that we don't NEED recording time longer than 29:59? 

@jimre wrote:

@Waddizzle wrote:

I do not think anyone is going around holding a vlogging camera at arm's length for 30 minutes. 

Dude, they make these things called TRIPODS for this.


@Waddizzle wrote:

 If you're making video content that is in excess of 20-30 minutes in a studio environment, then you need a camera that puts out clean HDMI and an external recording device.  Something like a Blackmagic ATEM switcher would be useful, too.

Well, we're not all making our content in a studio. External HDMI recorder & switcher is just a BIT overkill for recording my child's 60-min band concert.


Are you seriously trying to argue that we don't NEED recording time longer than 29:59? 

Buy a camcorder.

"The right mouse button is your friend."

@Waddizzle wrote:

Buy a camcorder.

Wow, I guess you really ARE arguing that we are all IDIOTS to want > 30 min record time. Thanks for clarifying your position.

@jimre wrote:

@Waddizzle wrote:

Buy a camcorder.

Wow, I guess you really ARE arguing that we are all IDIOTS to want > 30 min record time. Thanks for clarifying your position.

I fail to see the point of making a big over the 30 minute time limits, which have been around for years. 

"The right mouse button is your friend."

@Waddizzle wrote:

I fail to see the point of making a big over the 30 minute time limits, which have been around for years. 

You also failed to notice times change - The 30 min thing was around from eons ago (In terms of Moore's law) 


MANY (Notice I didn't say "All" or "MOST") You tubers hold a full mirrorless full frame camera all day while filming - some use a ronin or other gimbal, so just grab the camera.

Just like when I said "Many New Cameras ship without the 30 min timer" and you took me as saying MOST

How many of the current high end Sony Cameras ship with the 30 min time limit?


I am not sure if English isn't your first language or what, but at the end of the day - the LAW requiring the 30 min limit no longer exists - people want the feature - an official spokesperson from Canon said it was "Easy" to modify in a firmware update

All that said - People who bought the camera want it (Notice, again I didn't say "Most" or "ALL")

My Camera artrived yesterday and you can count me as one who wants the time limit removed


I dunno, maybe you sit in a room with your betamax and long for the old days - but the rest of us want the technology to leap forward

@Hipplewm wrote:

@Waddizzle wrote:

I fail to see the point of making a big over the 30 minute time limits, which have been around for years. 

You also failed to notice times change - The 30 min thing was around from eons ago (In terms of Moore's law) 


MANY (Notice I didn't say "All" or "MOST") You tubers hold a full mirrorless full frame camera all day while filming - some use a ronin or other gimbal, so just grab the camera.

Just like when I said "Many New Cameras ship without the 30 min timer" and you took me as saying MOST

How many of the current high end Sony Cameras ship with the 30 min time limit?


I am not sure if English isn't your first language or what, but at the end of the day - the LAW requiring the 30 min limit no longer exists - people want the feature - an official spokesperson from Canon said it was "Easy" to modify in a firmware update

All that said - People who bought the camera want it (Notice, again I didn't say "Most" or "ALL")

My Camera artrived yesterday and you can count me as one who wants the time limit removed


I dunno, maybe you sit in a room with your betamax and long for the old days - but the rest of us want the technology to leap forward

The law has nothing to do with it.  People knowingly by a car with vinyl seats, and then make a big fuss because they cannot get a free upgrade to leather seats.  You should have bought the leather seats from the start, IMHO.

"The right mouse button is your friend."

@Waddizzle wrote:

The law has nothing to do with it.  People knowingly by a car with vinyl seats, and then make a big fuss because they cannot get a free upgrade to leather seats.  You should have bought the leather seats from the start, IMHO.

I bought the camera KNOWING the time limit is there, but also knowing the official Canon represenative said that it can be removed easily - The law also doesn't mandate that it stays


In the end, if it never gets removed - I am still happy with my purchase - but I still want it removed.


I like how you keep changing your arguement ever time someone blows holes in your previous arguement - I am kinda waiting for you to circle back and say it is against the law again.
