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EOS R5 Mark II Freezing/Hanging


Anyone else having a freezing/hanging issue with their R5 Mk ii?  Generally, it seems like it shows the last image taken in the view finder. Powering off does not clear it, requires the removal of the battery. Currently in Europe, headed back to the States tomorrow. Has consistently happened several times a day - up to almost two dozen today. Doesn’t seem to matter which of my batteries (using both LP-E6P and LP-E6NH batteries) or which memory card (a mixture, but generally Sony Tough cards) I’m using. Not panicking (yet), it is firmware 1.0.0; however, today was annoying - missed several shots due to the freezing. Mostly just curious if anyone else is having the same issues? Thanks - Kevin



I am also seeing freezes. It has happened since I received the camera on release day. I was hoping the first firmware update would fix this, but it has not helped for me. The camera will become unresponsive with a black screen and viewfinder. I have to remove the battery to get it going again. Happened 3 times yesterday. Unfortunately, although it has happened to me many times, it has been random and I have not been able to figure out a way to make it happen. I've spoken with Canon support twice and both people have said they have not gotten reports of this. Call this in and get it on the record! I guess I will send mine in, but afraid they will say they can't reproduce what I am seeing and send it back unfixed.


I just got my camera back from Canon. They replaced the circuit board. I'll start testing it out tomorrow. I assume it is fixed and will only report back if the problem recurs.

No way for me to know if other's problems are also bad circuit boards, but best of luck!

Well that was quick. After getting it back last night, I took it out this morning and within minutes I had an Error 70 message. Never had that before. And that was followed by 3 more freezes like I had before sending it in. This blows my confidence in Canon repair after they wrote they found the problem, replaced the circuit board and tested it. 

Please start a new thread about your issue.  Thanks, in advance. 

"Enjoying photography since 1972."


I am having the same issues. It is happening on a daily basis, now. My camera blacked out twice and froze once today. And, taking out the battery is the only way to get the camera to work again. It is quite frustrating, and I have also missed some photos. We are not alone. Many people are experiencing this freezing/black out issue. I hope Canon fixes this with a firmware update soon.


I have had my Canon since August and this fault has been present since the beginning.
The problem occurs with all my lenses. (RF 15-35, RF 70-200 and also with 100mm macro).
I have already tried a different memory card and for a while the problem was less frequent. Today I had this freeze again 5 times in a row. Only removing the battery helps.
I have firmware 1.0.1, unfortunately no improvement. Do not use any accessories such as GPS etc.
It is very annoying. I'm looking forward to updates that will hopefully solve the problem soon.
Thank you very much
- Tobias

[Removed 3rd party website]


I sent mine in and they replaced the main circuit board. It still happened and I sent it in a second time and the repair ticket says they replaced the same part again (yes, I was annoyed and spoke to a Canon representative). I've used it for a few days without problems. However, sometimes it wouldn't happen for several days and then happen several times a day, so I'm waiting for a while before saying it is fixed this time. In any case, there may be some bad circuit boards and it appears waiting for a firmware update to fix my problem would have been the wrong decision. Fingers crossed it is gone for good!

It has been less than 3 days with my new R5 Mark II and it is now constantly freezing/not turning off as well as the backlit LCD not turning fully off, also the constant barrage of Error 70 messages Specifically when shooting video for less than 10 seconds. It is freezing when saving the file I assume, also The camera came with the new firmware 1.0.1 pre-installed which supposedly addresses part of error 70 issue however it is constantly saying Err 70 regardless of what battery/memory card I use. I am also now getting USB-C signal dropouts preventing me from reflashing firmware or downgrading back to 1.0.0


I am using the 28-70 f/2 lens and ever since using that RF lens it is giving me issues where the Fstop reads f00 instead of f2. I wasn’t having issues before with my EF mount lens nor adapter.


I now assume it is either PCB or firmware related but after only 3 days of use this is absurd!


Hi, I have the same issue but only about 3x a day. The firmware is 1.0.1, my batteries are LP-E6P. Mostly use the RF 200-800.

I asked the German Canon Support and two Ambassadors: They haven't heard of this problem. I had the same issue before with a new R and a new R5. The R5 was send in two times. But I think that must be a firmware problem. So I wait before I will send in the camera.

Hello Jensen, does the issue mainly happen when you use the heavier lens or is it frequently happening with any lens? I haven't had this issue as frequently before until using the heavy beast of a lens 28-70 F/2.

I will revert to other lenses and test it out to see if it has to do with the RF mount.

Update: It appears to be the 28-70 F/2 L lens that is causing the issue with the RF mount on the R5 II body which causes the freezing. Another person mentioned earlier that their EF/RF adapter mount was giving them issues and it could be because of the weight of the lens against the RF mount. However when I try it with a EF 16-35 F2.8 I get no issues whatsoever and the problem ends up going away. 
