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EOS R5 Image quality and focus issues


I have results from my R5 that are disappointing at best. I've tried changing the settings using pros advice but still not as sharp as I'd expect. I'm using an EF 100-400 lens for BIF and have sent the lens to Canon for alignment, still no improvement. I bought the camera new and so far as I know it has never been damaged. IF, I get extremely close to my subject the image is a lot sharper. 

I shoot wildlife and BIF using back button AF. Raw files and shutter release (mechanical). I use a variety of focus point settings and of course servo mode. I'm to the point I'm going to send it back to canon unless I find a miricle cure. I'm at 1.7 firmware as well. Any  suggestions or similar complaints?



It has been awhile since I dealt with that issue but looking back I have to accept much of the responsibility. I know now I was asking the camera to do too much. I've since ponied another 2800 bucks for a 500mm RF lens and it has made a big difference. The R5 takes exceptional images IF you do your part, and I wasn't. I confess that prior to the R5 I used the Nikon D500 and the Canon 7D II and it seemed all I had to do with both of them was point in the general direction and somehow they got the shot. An exaggeration for sure, but it was different. Of course they lack the resolution of the R5. I continue to work with the R5 and I have gotten much better especially with RF lens and a more thoughtful approach to my settings. As Mr Biggs said, practice is the cure.  


I believe that the Canon eos R5 uses RF lenses, not EF. All 6 of my lenses are RF lenses.  There are profound differences in the focal distance from the mount to the image sensor (which is a sandwich of the sensor, an air gap, and a clear, thin plain of glass in front).

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