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EOS 7D Err 30 in Movie Mode only




My 7D gets an Err 30 only when I switch to Movie Mode or Live View Mode and press the Start/Stop button.


I can take pictures with no errors at all in very creative mode.


Customer Service at Canon suggested I clear all custom functions and clear settings and it didn't work. 


Does anyone have any suggestions before I send it to them for repair?


Thanks  in advance!



I no longer have a 7D but I did have a similar experience with Error 30. When I reached about 60,000 shutter activations I would sometimes get Error 30 when I used Liveview. This same error has been reported by others and there may be an easy fix.


The error can be caused by the shutter being fully open for a long time. Apparently Liveview and Video mode open up the shutter farther than it is normally opened for a regular still photo. The blades gets "sticky" and can be coaxed back into position by a good thump on the camera body. This will free up the blades.


Once it is working again, I would fire off a long burst at 8fps to free up the sticky blades and would not have the problem appear again for some time. If it did appear again, I would repeat the process as necessary.


I then got in the habit of firing off a long 8fps burst every so often when using Liveview, and it seemed to prevent the problem from reoccurring. 


Try it and let us know if this works for you. (It worked for me)

Mike Sowsun

Hi Mike,


Thanks so much for your suggestions. I've already tried the palm smack with no luck but tried again and your suggestions of shooting at 8fps with no luck. I've also tried the other tip i've seen on other forums and selected the clean sensor manually. 


Frustrating, as it takes photos beautifully but I really need to be able to record video too!
