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Canon R8 Soft Photos but Sharp Video


I have over 15 years experience in sports photography. I currently shoot with the R3 and R5 professionally. I picked up the R8 recently to have a body to shoot friends and family's kids sports games for fun. I shoot with the RF to EF adapter to my 300mm 2.8 and 400mm 2.8 lenses. I've tried multiple combinations of AF, shutter, file settings etc. All my photos seem like they've either focused just in front of my subject or sometimes nailing focus but really soft. I switch to video and they turn out tack sharp. I've tried still photos and it just doesn't doesn't look sharp. I use the same adapter and lenses with my R3 and R5 without this issue. Is this just the R8 not having a full mechanical shutter? Should I try to the R7? 



The R7 of course is an APS-C sized frame.

Can you share some examples?

How are you determining "softness"

I’m comparing softness to how I know my lenses can perform on other bodies; adapted or straight to EF mount. I’ve shot with most of Canon’s “pro” lineups in my career. My lenses are sharp. I know the R7 is APS-C. But I know it has a mechanical shutter. Just looking to bring around an R8/R7 type body to these types of games. I’m wondering if it’s more of a mechanical vs electronic shutter issue. 


I do wonder if the smaller battery in the R8 is able to drive the 300mm f/2.8 and 400mm f/2.8 lenses at their optimum speed. 

One thought I have is to try using a large capacity power bank connected to the USB-C port on the R8 to provide a bit more juice.

EOS specialist trainer, photographer and author

This is actually a really interesting idea! I did feel like maybe the focus motor was a tad bit behind but never thought the battery could be the culprit. I’ll try the USB-C idea. 



Is it possible that the R8 not having IBIS, whereas your other R cameras do, might have something to do with it? 

Steve Thomas

I don’t think that would be the issue. IBIS or IS on the lens isn’t needed at high shutter speeds. 



It’s great to hear about your extensive photography experience! Let’s troubleshoot the focusing issue with your Canon R8. Here are some steps to consider:

Adapter Compatibility: Ensure you’re using a compatible EF to RF adapter. Some third-party adapters may work well, like the Neewer control ring adapter, but it’s essential to verify compatibility.
Lens Aberration Correction: Check if lens aberration correction is enabled. Vignetting and distortion can impact sharpness. Go to the menu and select “Lens aberration correction” to adjust settings.
Veiling Glare Test: If using a third-party adapter, perform the “veiling glare” test. This test helps identify potential issues with the adapter.
Reset Camera Settings: Sometimes, resetting the camera to default settings can resolve focus-related problems. Try this by going to the camera menu and performing a reset.
Regarding the mechanical shutter, the Canon R8 does have a mechanical shutter. However, it’s essential to rule out other factors before considering a different camera model. Experiment with the above steps, and if the issue persists, you might explore further options. Keep capturing those sports moments.

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