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Canon R6 High Noise at low ISO?


I'm not sure if this is normal or not but I recently got the R6 refurbished and have been a little disappointed with some of the image quality. I went out today to test out my new RF 24-105 along with the Sigma 150-600 and after coming back and reviewing the images, I notice there's a lot of noise at ISO 640. What do you guys think? Some are ISO 1250 but even then I don't expect to see much noise with the R6 and other peoples results straight out of camera. These are all straight out of the camera with no post work done. I can share the RAW files from dropbox for whoever would like to take a look and let me know what you think. Also, the noise may not look very noticeable on mobile phones. I know the shutter speed could be better, but these aren't shots to keep, more so just testing everything. Even though I have always been taught to shoot as high shutter speed as possible for birds in flight. But the fact that I’m getting so much noise as low as 640 and no higher than 1250 is concerning and unexpected for the R6 from all the reviews I’ve read and watched before making the purchase. To see the images in full size, you need to right click and "open image in new tab". You can notice the noise on the water and definitely in the sky.

Settings for the photos are:

  1. ISO 640, Shutter 1/3200, Sigma 150-600
  2. ISO 640, Shutter 1/3200, Sigma 150-600
  3. ISO 1000, Shutter 1/5000, RF 24-105
  4. ISO 640, Shutter 1/5000, RF 24-105
  5. ISO 640, Shutter 1/5000, RF 24-105




I like that first photo that was shot with a 1D Mark II.  Nice and clean!.  I have a 1D Mark IV, which I think has a similar ISO range as the Mark II, except at a significantly higher resolution, 16MP(?).

I had a Rebel T5 that had the same ISO ceiling, 3200.  At ISO 3200, the T5 was so much noises than the 1D4, which was remarkably clean.  The small noise that was present looked like natural film grain, to me.

The R6 has a similar performance improvement over DSLRs at the higher ISO values.  The images are remarkably clean, and the little noise that you can find resembles natural film grain.

"The right mouse button is your friend."


Some raw files from my R6 to play around with.

I will erase the link within a week due to disk space.

There are lens profiles for Lensfun if anyone wants. Just ask if you need one. 500mm in Exif = Sigma 500/4.5 



Thank you for those. I'll give them a download and lookover. Now to throw in some more examples, here are a few of the photos I got with my first trip out with the camera and sigma 150-600 that left me frustrated. I took 1,300 photos and was able to work with maybe 40 of them... Could my IBIS not be working maybe? How could I test that? These were all shot with a fast enough shutter that I'd expect motion blur to not be an issue (and still noisy for their settings). To see the images in full size, you need to right click and "open image in new tab".

  1. 1/2000, f/10, ISO 640
  2. 1/5000, f/10, ISO 1000
  3. 1/5000, f/10, ISO 1000

Are the two photos of the three more in focus bottom right?

Does your lens have firmware 2.03?

It's hard for me to see any focus in those images. And yes, I updated the lens to the latest firmware before leaving on the trip last month. 

No issues with noise at least and the duck pictures with the same lens had no focus problem. No clues from Exif either.

What if you take pictures of non-moving objects? Any problems?

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