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Canon R5 freeze after 1.5.1 update


Hi Canon,

After installing firmware 1.5, I was having my R5 freeze regularly with animal eye autofocus mapped to back button focus. I installed firmware update 1.5.1 this weekend hoping it will fix the issue. I went out today to shooting some shore birds. My R5 locked up 3 times in a period of 1.5 hours of shooting, one of the three was was with error E70. In all three cases, turning the camera off/on fixed the issue; this is different from firmware 1.5 freezes, where I had to take out the battery to fix the freeze. 

Please let me know if you need more information about the camera settings. I happy to share them. 

Regards, Mo


Do you use the AF-On button to focus or the shutter button?

Do you use the AF-On button to focus or the shutter button?

AF-On for focus. Shutter focus is disabled. 

AF-on button for spot focus and star button for animal-eye focus


I have had the R5 for 1 month.  I would get the occasional freezing.   Yesterday I was out for about 3 hours and had it happen at least 9 times!!!!    It locks up, then goes dark,  makes some noise and starts again.    I called canon and their suggestion was too downgrade to 1.4.    Said they are not allowed to say to do this but has worked for other people.  Said look on internet for instructions.    The camera came with 1.5 then I updated to 1.5.1.   I am afraid to try this in case something happens to the camera and they void the warranty.  This is my first good camera and I am so upset!!   I can’t replicate it as it is random.   


I was at an E-Bird Hotspot in Maine on 3-11. There were 3 photographers with R5's all 3 had the 100-500 lens and had completed the 1.5.1 firmware update. All 3 of us were experiencing freeze ups. My camera was purchased on 1-19-22. I had oh 15 or 20 or so. Most time it would reset by turning the camera off and on, a few times I needed to remove the battery. Very frustrating hope they resolve this soon.   

Exactly the same as mine. Thanks for responding. I thought I was crazy or doing something wrong or got a lemon at first. Especially since switching from another system.


Hey Canon support, 

I captured the settings I use to duplicate this problem. I posted it here for your reference

Please use C3 (Custom settings 3) with back button focus to test. 

I'm happy to provide more information. 

Regards, Mo 

I would encourage others who are having the same problem to save their settings and share it with Canon. Hopefully doing so, will make it easier for the engineers to find and fix the problem. 


FYI - a firmware release 1.5.2 just was posted today.
