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Canon EOS Utility downloading issues with 7D mk2

Hi All, I got a 7D mk2 2 weeks ago and I am having issues with downloading images to my PC Win 7 SP1 64bit, latest updates fresh reinstall when using the EOS Utility, (latest version) when it starts downloading pictures it stops at 175 or similar number and sits there either forever, or for a long time and then it continues and then stops the transfer again. Sometime it finishes and completes the download, sometime it just closes down (utility). (as it did now, just stopped and closed, downloaded 1178 out of 2889 pictures. 7D is on latest firmware. CF 64GB Lexar Professional 1066x UDMA7 I have disabled AntiVirus (its not my PC hardware issue performance wise) also all other software and hardware (scanners, printers...etc.) work fine. Any ideas why this is occurring ? or how to fix it ? thanks

You can get my Lexar USB 3 (UDMA 7 I think) Card reader for free. Never worked completely. I use Kingston these days without any problems.

thanks for the offer, but I already ordered 😞

Remove the WiFi card & hey presto it works