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Canon EOS Rebel T7 LCD Screen Won't Turn On


I was shooting with this camera this weekend, and the LCD screen cut out near the end of my session. The camera still takes photos, but again the screen won't turn on. Does anyone have a remedy for this?


I spoke to a number of different people but I only have so much time in the day. I was pretty heated when I wrote this and frustrated. I have since discovered a correlation with the HDMI Port, it fixed a couple of the cameras but I am down 5 still. I simply plugged in the HDMI port and then unplugged it... I am going to join the canon service program as we have so many canon cameras and lenses. I have tried firmware updates, hard resets, etc.

Good morning!

Try holding down the shutter button when you turn the camera on.  Once the LED screen comes on, go into the settings and set Image review to "hold."  This has worked for me so far. I'll let you know if I find out anything else.

Did you have the HDMI cable plugged into anything else?

Yes, my tv but it is normal as I go through menu systems and such with my students


Thanks everyone. My two cameras are back to working properly...

The both responded to this fix, in this order: 

1. Connect to a monitor with HDMI. (this did not solve the problem)

2. Remove battery, card, and lens and turn on, press and hold shutter button for 20s and then insert battery.

I tried both of these suggestions independently, and they did not work. But together, and in this order, it worked. 

Super fun times. 

Yes, I solved this issue. I turned the camera off, put a smaller, known good,  memory card in the camera, took the battery out of the camera for 10 seconds. I put the battery back in the camera and turned it back on. 

camera works normally now. 
