Hello,I teach a High School Photography program with over 300 students per year. I have heard that Canon does sponsorships of high school photography programs for workshops, etc. My question is how can I get a sponsorship like this? Thank you,Matt
We have one-to-one cameras, not looking for a donation, more of a working partnership. I have heard that other high schools benefit from workshops, training programs, etc.
I spoke to a number of different people but I only have so much time in the day. I was pretty heated when I wrote this and frustrated. I have since discovered a correlation with the HDMI Port, it fixed a couple of the cameras but I am down 5 still. I...
I made the mistake of buying 20 T7's for my photography class, I am now down 7 cameras with this same exact problem. Canon won't even acknowledge this as a known issue and I can't afford to pay $200 per camera for repair... I am switching my classes ...