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Canon 5D MRK I firmware


Hello guys,


Its possible to uptade, on a EOS 5D MRK I,  from firmware 1.0.5 to firmware 1.1.1  directly?

Or I need first to uptade to firmware 1.1.0, it is not available anymore 😞






@psrt2016 wrote:

Hello guys,


Its possible to uptade, on a EOS 5D MRK I,  from firmware 1.0.5 to firmware 1.1.1  directly?

Or I need first to uptade to firmware 1.1.0, it is not available anymore 😞





I'm not familiar with the 5D1; I can recall seeing one in use on only one occasion. But the eight or ten Canon cameras on which I have done firmware updates all allowed you to install any update that was more recent than the one already on the camera.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

View solution in original post


Go for it.


Th 5D (there is no Mk I) hs a wonderful sensor.  It does a fantastic job on portraits.  I kinda wish I had mine back sometimes.

EOS 1DX and 1D Mk IV and less lenses then before!

View solution in original post



"(At work I didn't get paid extra for photography; it was just part of the job.)"


Is that not common?  I don't think any company photographer gets paid 'extra' for doing his job. Am I, again, mistaken?  Because I never did either.  Plus all work or ideas belong to Hallmark if done on Hallmark time.


EOS 1DX and 1D Mk IV and less lenses then before!

@ebiggs1 wrote:


"(At work I didn't get paid extra for photography; it was just part of the job.)"


Is that not common?  I don't think any company photographer gets paid 'extra' for doing his job. Am I, again, mistaken?  Because I never did either.  Plus all work or ideas belong to Hallmark if done on Hallmark time.


Yeah, I'm sure my situation wasn't unique, but I was pulled in several directions. We didn't have an "official" City Photographer, so almost every department wanted me to do work for them (events, portraits, architecture, report illustrations, historical sites, etc.). The first time I photographed a City Council inauguration (an all-day proceeding with three separate parts and hundreds of pictures) is illustrative. In previous years they had hired an outside professional to do it; but when word got around about other events I was doing (awards ceremonies, etc.), they asked me to do it instead. They liked my work better than that of the professional, so I was stuck with doing it two years and four years later. (And every two years if I hadn't retired.)  But my own department (IT) was under pressure not to let me off the hook for other work I was supposed to do. So I ended up doing a lot of unpaid overtime and getting glared at when I photographed events, or edited images, on company time. Frankly, one of the main reasons I retired was that the IT work I had to do was more boring than the photography I often didn't get to do. So now my wife and I are trying to imitate Grandma Moses by somehow getting our pictures noticed in our old age.  Smiley Happy

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

I want to thank you and I hope people will read your experience. I have photographed about a dozen weddings(accomplished amateur here) and nice people with their cellphones and insta shoot cameras often get in the way without realizing it. The worst part of this is the flash. When you are trying to capture a moment and two or three flashes go off at the same time it is dissapointing to discover your washed out picture. You can do a lot with editing programs today, but in the days of 35mm it was pretty much a lost shot. And still is, as no amount of editing can make up for an exposure that is way off.

"(accomplished amateur here)"


It is generally acceptable to have a wedding party spokesperson to announce no cell phones or flash while the photographer does his/her job. In my experience when most people see a pro shooting photos they don't interfere but there is always that one guy. Plus grandma or auntie, those you just learn to live with. Best advice is, act like a professional and folks will treat you like a professional.

EOS 1DX and 1D Mk IV and less lenses then before!

It works! 🙂



I know this is an old thread, but just in case anyone digs it up wondering, I just took my 5D "mk1" from 1.0.1 directly to 1.1.1 with no problems.  Its pretty unlikely that ayone could have an earlier verison of FW on theirs 🙂
