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Canon 5D MRK I firmware


Hello guys,


Its possible to uptade, on a EOS 5D MRK I,  from firmware 1.0.5 to firmware 1.1.1  directly?

Or I need first to uptade to firmware 1.1.0, it is not available anymore 😞






@psrt2016 wrote:

Hello guys,


Its possible to uptade, on a EOS 5D MRK I,  from firmware 1.0.5 to firmware 1.1.1  directly?

Or I need first to uptade to firmware 1.1.0, it is not available anymore 😞





I'm not familiar with the 5D1; I can recall seeing one in use on only one occasion. But the eight or ten Canon cameras on which I have done firmware updates all allowed you to install any update that was more recent than the one already on the camera.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

View solution in original post


Go for it.


Th 5D (there is no Mk I) hs a wonderful sensor.  It does a fantastic job on portraits.  I kinda wish I had mine back sometimes.

EOS 1DX and 1D Mk IV and less lenses then before!

View solution in original post


@psrt2016 wrote:

Hello guys,


Its possible to uptade, on a EOS 5D MRK I,  from firmware 1.0.5 to firmware 1.1.1  directly?

Or I need first to uptade to firmware 1.1.0, it is not available anymore 😞





I'm not familiar with the 5D1; I can recall seeing one in use on only one occasion. But the eight or ten Canon cameras on which I have done firmware updates all allowed you to install any update that was more recent than the one already on the camera.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

Thank you Bob.

I think I'll risk doing it.



It works! 🙂



Go for it.


Th 5D (there is no Mk I) hs a wonderful sensor.  It does a fantastic job on portraits.  I kinda wish I had mine back sometimes.

EOS 1DX and 1D Mk IV and less lenses then before!

You are right!

Sorry, the 5D classic 🙂


Thank you.

@ebiggs1 wrote:

Go for it.


Th 5D (there is no Mk I) hs a wonderful sensor.  It does a fantastic job on portraits.  I kinda wish I had mine back sometimes.

Just to be my usual picky self, I'll call your nomenclature quibble. Yes, Canon didn't call it the 5D Mk I (there was no need to), but with the advent of the Mk II and its successors, it became useful to refer to the "Mk I" - because the mere "5D" often refers to the series, rather than to its first member. It probably shouldn't be so, but experience says it is.


Your reminiscence about the 5D calls up memories of my own. The one time I actually saw a 5D (Mk I) in action was at a family wedding reception nine years ago. (The bride was my son-in-law's younger sister.) I was there with my XTi and feeling a bit of a big shot. The event photographer (dressed all in black, after the fashion of the time) was using a 5D with a battery grip, and I made a jackass of myself by barging up and asking him if it was a 1D Mk II (or whichever 1D was current that year). He was very polite in setting me straight, and I slunk away after some perfunctory discussion of Canon equipment. I took a lot of pictures that night, some of them good, but I was careful to stay out of the photographer's way and let him do his job. I've been chagrined to discover in subsequent years how often amateurs at important events don't observe that elementary courtesy. (It's pretty easy to notice when you actually are the event photographer!)

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA



"... how often amateurs at important events don't observe that elementary courtesy."


It is part of the territory.  Get used to it or get out of photography.  When they use flash is the worse and I am a bully when they get too much in the way. It has gotten much worse as the iphone has gotten better.  


"Canon didn't call it the 5D Mk I"


That's right, they didn't.  It is a 5D. It is not a 5D Mk I and it is not a 5D Classic.  It is and remains a 5D.  Is that too difficult to understand in the frozen land of Boston, there Bob?  Smiley Wink

EOS 1DX and 1D Mk IV and less lenses then before!

@ebiggs1 wrote:

"Canon didn't call it the 5D Mk I"


That's right, they didn't.  It is a 5D. It is not a 5D Mk I and it is not a 5D Classic.  It is and remains a 5D.  Is that too difficult to understand in the frozen land of Boston, there Bob?  Smiley Wink

"The frozen land of Boston??" <guffaw!> It's 39°F where I sit and in Central Square, where I used to work. The Weather Channel's Web site says it's 21 in Kansas City, with a wind chill down to 10. It occurs to me that Frozen Brain Syndrome might help explain your recalcitrance regarding common colloquial references to the original 5D. In the spirit of Christmas we'll make allowances.


Anyway, the weather is the least of my concerns today. This evening we're off to the opening reception for the annual mid-winter members' show at the Griffin Museum. Supposedly we each have a picture in it (no jury this time); and if either of them sells, it'll be the first time we've made a dime to offset the $$$$ we've spent on photography. (At work I didn't get paid extra for photography; it was just part of the job.) So we'll see how it goes.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA


"The Weather Channel's Web site says it's 21 in Kansas City, with a wind chill down to 10."


OK, for now but guess where this cold front is going?  It was 9 last night!  I grant you my frozen brain is pretty faulty most of the time anymore but I believe it has little to do the the temps.  We are actually not in KC being some 40 miles south.  We are south-west of Spring Hill, KS.


Here's hoping you have success at the show. Smiley Happy  I had one of my best years this past 2016.  Even though I am 'fully' retired.  Right? Smiley Frustrated


"... common colloquial references to the original 5D"


Colloquial not-with-standing, I see no naming reference to anything except "5D" on the front of a "5D".  Why is this not good enough as it is most accurate.  But thanx for the Christmas spirit concession for my lack of understanding.

EOS 1DX and 1D Mk IV and less lenses then before!