Camera got wet and now won’t turn on with memory card inserted

Mist while hiking got my T6 camera wet and now when I turn it on nothing happens - no error, the screen won’t even turn on. If I take the memory card out it will turn on and tell me it has no card, so figure it’s something with the card reader. Tried a new card and didn’t work either. I am devastated as it happened on my first hike of a Yosemite trip... any suggestions??


Dry it out... leave the card door open.  You could put it in a sealed plastic bag with desiccant packs.


I had this happen to a phone (it fell in a lake).  After roughly three weeks... it started working again.   The desiccant absorbs moisture out of the air and makes the air (in your sealed bag) *extremely* dry.  The drier the air, the faster water will evaporate into that air.  


I'd put the bag (w/camera & desiccant inside) in a warm-ish place (not hot).


Tim Campbell
5D III, 5D IV, 60Da

It is probably dead. I had the same thing happen, though it was salt water. It never came back.


It is probably dead. I had the same thing happen, though it was salt water. It never came back.

Salt water is a much more serious problem than fresh water. It's far more conductive and corrosive; drying the camera out doesn't get rid of the salt; and the salt reabsorbs water from the air when you're in a humid environment.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA


"You could put it in a sealed plastic bag with desiccant packs."


You can forget this.  It won't work or help.  Neither will rice in a bag.

What might work is a warm heating pad, not hot, warm.  It will take a long, long time.  So don't get in a hurry.


"Mist while hiking got my T6 camera wet ..."


Mist?  How wet?  Mist has no pressure involved with it.  If it just got the outside wet, you might be able to save it.  If 'wet' means water, not mist, got inside, it is probably done.  Water and cameras do not do well together.  Canon is not likely to even service or repair a camera that got wet because they can not guarantee something deep inside won't fail later.


Did you happen to buy Canon CarePak or perhaps check your home owners policy.

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.