Audio issue on usb on Canon 5d Mark III


Hi all,

I have this kind of problem.

I record video with a canon 5d Mark III with an external usb mic connected to my macbook.

Headphones output of the mac is connected to the Canon mic in.

There is no problem, all works well.

But now I'd like to control camera through Canon utilities. 

I connect the usb cable to the same macbook and all works well BUT when I activate the liveview to review the setup and start the record, a terrible noise (like a buzz) is present in all the record.

If I disable the liveview all works well (but I can't control camera).

I tought that there is an audio loop created by the liveview, so I bought an usb audio in/out to use with aufiohijack to put mic audio on a different output, but nothing changes.

I also downloaded an app that limits audio on specific apps, no solution.

Someone can help me???



At this point I think you are better served with an external recorder - like a Zoom - and sync the audio in Post.


Well I considered too this option, as controlling all without recording audio on camera, I can record on hard disk. After I could sync on post. The problem is that I always record and stop, so I don't have only one audio track. In post I have so sync many audio track... workflow should be longer...

@Waddizzle wrote:

@marcojj wrote:

Thank you for the answer... but the in/out conbination works very well when Canon Utility is not in liveview mode. Also with usb connected. The problem come out only when live view is on. I don't think it's an impedance issue...

No, it doesn't.  You just think it works well.  Use a proper connection.

Let me share with you some science.  First and foremost, there is no such thing as electricity.  There are smoke particles running around inside of wires, just like water in a garden hose.  When you make a bad connection, the electronics springs a leak, and some of the smoke gets out.  Once that happens, that piece of gear is shot.  


So, remember, there is no electricity, just smoke.  Make sure that you don't let the smoke out.  Okay?

I'm not an electrical engineer, and I think Waddizzle is. But I have studied a bit of physics, and I don't think I'd have put it just that way.  Smiley Wink

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

@RobertTheFat wrote:

I'm not an electrical engineer, and I think Waddizzle is. But I have studied a bit of physics, and I don't think I'd have put it just that way.  Smiley Wink

Yes, Bob, I am an electrical engineer.  But, if you watched me work, you'd swear that I was a software developer.

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