90D Problem


YEs I know Canondoes not reconize third party lenses- However please read thru this-  I have a Tamron 18-400 lens that is 5 months old.  This lens worked perfectly for the 5 months. NO wthe lens willnot focus at 200mm or above.  I sent intheLens to 

tamro- they retued in working ordere.  no mention of a problem.  Still des not work above 200mm.  There are countless( and I mean lots of 90D owners on Facebook that use this lens-  Now comes the real problem- This lens works fine on 4 different Canon bodies!! 7D MKII, 5Ti, 5D, another 90D( a friend).  My 90 D works with 8 Canon Lens + another Tamron,a Tokina, and a samyang lens.  I sent the body in for repairs to the tune of over #300 buck as it was out of warranty- It came backthe same way???  I don't think tey did anything to it as it worked with all Canon lenses??

Any one have any ideas what to try ??. It is a great walk around lens I can use it on my 7D MKII but the 90 D is much lighter and so I liket o use it on the  90D.






Will give this a try- Thanks !Lens works on 4 or 5 different Canon Cameras.

Note: This lens worked perfectly fne for 4 months!!!  Tha tis wha tis frustrating!

The camera was sent into the Canon warrant department.  The lens workewd perfectly for 4 months.

The lens was sent in to Tamron and returned under warranty-  Go figure!!

Thanks!  The lens was returned to Tamron under warranty- so it shoiuld be up to date.  This is the only Tasmron lens I have - Had the 150-600 but sold it and purchased the Canon 100-400- It is sharper in my book!  I d do have 1 Sigma lens, 8-12 WA- super lens!!

Thanks all- Am still working on it!  I just sent the camera back to Canon with a full data sheet!!  We shall see- I have been using this lnes on my 7D MKII!.  This lens is super sharp asnd love it as a walk around lens!  I ahve cropped and then printed to 13 X 19 with out lousing any detail!

@ebiggs1 wrote:

""OP stated: " This lens works fine on 4 different Canon bodies!! 7D MKII, 5Ti, 5D, another 90D( a friend)." 


"Then I would compare the firmware revisions in the two cameras."


If it went to a honest to gosh real Canon service center they most likely did a reset and a FW upgrade. Not too hard to check though. Canon is pretty through when they service a camera even beyond the complaint. If they said the 90D is good to go, it is not the 90D.



???   What does one camera going to the service center have to do with the firmware version in a second that did not go to the service center?  ???

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Perhaps nothing but Canon did not update their FW so a Tamron lens will work. So, it is really a moot point, isn't it?

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

"This is the only Tasmron lens I have - Had the 150-600 but sold it and purchased the Canon 100-400- It is sharper in my book!"


You must have gotten one rotten 150-600mm Tamron super zoom. You apparently don't have the best lens buying luck!

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

I tried a few things that were suggested- I have sent the body into Canon for repairs!!  I will let them figure it out!!

Thanks all!  Appreciate the help!


@steinr98 wrote:

I tried a few things that were suggested- I have sent the body into Canon for repairs!!  I will let them figure it out!!

Thanks all!  Appreciate the help!


I already told you what they will most likely find.


"You don't have a 90D camera problem.  You have a Tamron lens problem."


Canon is under no obligation to ensure the camera works with a third party lens.  If the lens worked with a 7D2, then that means Tamron got lucky and got something right.  If the lens does not work with a 90D, then Tamron has some more reverse engineering homework to do.


Good Luck.  

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

As I earlier This lens works on another 90D plus 4 other Canon cameras- Thelens was sent in first to TAmron to be serviced.  We shall see what Canon comes up with.


