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80d - purple hue on HDMI output through camlink


Have spent the better part of two days reading through posts online to find a fix.  I am using a 80d through an elgato camlink to output the camera feed into OBS.  The elgato is working with my sony alpha with no issues but when I try to use my canon it is displaying a purple hue to everything as you see in the photo.

I thought it might be an HDMI cable issue so I ordered a brand new cable, still produces the purple hue.  I can reboot, unplug, reboot, plug back in, 10-15 times and MAYBE 1 time it will display properly.  I am lost for anything else to try.  If I understand correclty, I can use the EOS webcam utility but that will downgrade the quality of my recording correct?

Please help - if I cant figure out a fix ill have to return this and I really dont want to.  Thanks!









This is a neagive image. Do you have some polarity setting reversed.?

What happens when you plug it into a TV?

seems to look normal - just plugged it in to my tv looks fine

So its not the camera.
