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80D Built In Flash Pops Up But Won't Fire


The built in flash on 80D pops up in Auto mode but won't fire.  I put "built in flash on" in the on mode and it will pop up but not fire.  I have been using 430EXIII RT and everything has been working fine.  Been shooting in P mode and built in flash and 430 have been working well.  Not sure if I have pressed the wrong button or what but I sure do need some help.  Thanks in advance.


It's a shame such a good camera has a problem like thius. Mine was repaired twice and seems to be repaired. Has worked for about four months now. The "Flash cover" is what I was told was the problem. Mine was under warranty and was repaired at no cost.



You have a totally different problem with your external flash. You need to start your own topic and tell us what camera and what flash.

I had my 50D repaired here. They were very good. Different problem,(shutter) but fair price, about $125.00, and repair was good.

 Camera Repair Center.

[Mod Note: We do not allow links to third party sites that sell things. Check the Forum Guidelines if you have questions.]


oops sorry

They can just Google "Camera Repair Center Inc." in  Glendale, California. 

There are lots of other good repair shops around that are often willing, or able, to repair cameras that Canon won't touch. 

Mike Sowsun

I got into same situation with my Canon 80D which is out of warranty... was just wondering how your problem solved in the end.

I am a Canon dealer for large format products and my rep said he would get if fixed for me the next time he was in the area.  Outside of that, I tried everything and can not get the flash to work.  I did borrow an external flash from a friend and that part worked.  I think the two solutions are to send in to get fixed or buy an external flash.  It seems to be a common problem with that camera.  I suggest investing in an external flash, at least you can you that with other equipment in future.  I do not like packing more equipment, but my next level of camera many not support a flash anyway!


Good luck

Yes, does seem to be a common problems.  I have 2 externals but dont always like to deal with them.  I have decided it is not worth the $ to fix.  Smiley Frustrated

100 % Agree and sad on new device.  I am sure mine was down during warranty period, but I assumed I was doing something wrong and worked around it.  When I took the time to figure out it was broken, I was not very happy!

