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7D Mk2 Not Recognized by Windows 10


First: I am in I.T.. I have Googled & Binged many troubleshooting options, including all possible "turn it off & back on", "plug it into another port", & "reinstall the driver" (yes, there is a driver: the MTP driver). I am on Windows 10 (everything on newest updates) 


The camera is simply not there. It doesn't appear in Explorer, none of the software (Bridge, EOS Utility, Lightroom, etc) recognizes that it exists at all. It was working fine, but I joined my work domain which requires making a new user account. After that, nothing. I can't even get the EOS Utility to recognize it over WiFi anymore (that might be due to the domain join, but wired connect should work).


I have tried everythig I can find, including this little nugget:


Please send help & coffee! 😉

Opinionated Nonsense:

I have done all this many times and it does not work for me. Thank you. I have NEVER inserted the WI-FI card into my camera. I am 100% computer literate and used PC's since the 1980's.

I hear the 4 beeps tune when I connect the camera and the 3 beep tune when I disconnect the cammera, but no ther action is noticed. My main reason nfor wanting the 7D mark 2 to be recognised by Windows 10 is, I use a great software program to read the shutter count, as Canon insists that this is be a secret - why? I don't know - other camera makes give easy access to this information and even include it their image EXIF data.”


If you are getting the beepity-boppity-boop noises then Windows is seeing the camera.  At this point, you should be able to read the memory card as if it were a USB drive.  Manually starting EOSU 3 should have closed the loop.  


Make sure all remnants of that shutter count application have been fully removed.  Sorry that this is not working out for you.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Windows is not seeing the camera as a USB drive and EOSU 3 is not seeing it either. Windows sees it as Unspecified (1) labelled "Canon Digital Camera" in "Devices and Printers" but it is not accessible. It should be labelled as 7D Mk II. It comes up in my Windows 7 laptop but not Windows 10.


The shutter count software has been completely removed from the beginning. I'm stumped, so it is what it is I guess. No more Canon stuff for me, I don't need the hassle.

I suspect that your Windows 10 PC was not store bought. Does it use a USB port expander. If so, use another port that is not coming off an expander.
"Enjoying photography since 1972."


Would it be possible to rename the camera in Win Explorer from "Unspecified(1)" to "7D Mk II"? And could it possibly make any difference if you did? Smiley Frustrated

It's an Asus MB with 6 USB ports, including 2 USB 3 ports. I have tried in all ports and my 7 port hub. I am an administrator on a photography forum and a member of many forums and there are many others who have this very problem - and ALL are not seeing a solution offered by MS or Canon as yet. I'm sure that in time both companies MAY fix it. If I was the only one with this problem, I would probably just go and buy a new PC off the shelf. Thanks for your understanding with this issue. Cheers.

I had doubts about doing that but did it anyway and no, (as expected) it did not work. Thanks for your input.

@Isac wrote:

It's an Asus MB with 6 USB ports, including 2 USB 3 ports. ..... If I was the only one with this problem, I would probably just go and buy a new PC off the shelf. Thanks for your understanding with this issue. Cheers.

That usually fixes just about all of the issues people have when using home brewed machines.  People running off the shelf Asus PCs with AMD CPUs always have problems.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

I run an Intel i5 CPU with 8MB ram and have NEVER had down time. Very happy with it. I do however love a challenge and I am going to get together with a computer tech friend of mine who does IT installations for large companies and see if we can sort this out. If we come up with somethong that works, I'll post the fix.

I have a Canon 7D and 7D MkII and my Dell XPS desktop and laptop will not recognize either of my cameras which are connected with the USB cable. I get the 4 beeps when it's connected but that's all. They both worked fine a couple of months ago, now nothing. I use the laptop for tethered shooting.
My wife's HP desktop and son's old Dell inspiron, both running Win 10, does recognize both.
