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7D Mark II Multi-Controller malfuntion - Possible Fix


Not sure if anyone else is having this issues as I cannot seem to find any threads related to it, but I'm having issues with my Multi-controller joystick.


When in live View mode (viewing on lcd), the controller will move the screen when zoomed in on the subject (I use in product photography to get the best focus possible).


Problem:  Left, Right and down works... but when you move the joystick up, it exits Live View mode.  When you press up again, it enters Live View mode again.

This is not a custom setting that you can even assign to the multi-controller joystick.


After many calls to support, they wanted me to send in the camera for service to replace the jopystick (12-15 days - Not an option for the amount of work I have in the queue).  Plus, service costs $$. 


I tried using the multi-controller joystick on my exteded battery pack.  Same response with Live View mode.  I then realized this is not a crossed wire, or a bad multicontroller joystick, it was a camera issue.


Temporary solution: Checked online for a firmware update, and I had the most recent version 1.1.2.  I went ahead and reinstalled the frmware, and viola... fixed.


A few days later, the issue returned.  Same solution with the replacement of firmware, and once again... fixed.



Hopefully this helps one person out there if they ever have this issue. 


CANON Technical support - Hopefully you may be able to make a new version of firmware soon to fix this inconveient problem.







Is that a Canon brand battery grip or 3rd party?  Does the on-camera control stick work with the battery grip removed?



Tim Campbell
5D III, 5D IV, 60Da

The battery grip is Canon brand.  Same results with/without the battery grip.  Also, the joystick on the battery grip mirror the issues I'm having with the camera. 


Without the battery grip, I probably would have thought it was an issue with the cameras joystick.  Seeing the same results with the joystick on the battery grip is what helped me narrow down the issue with the firmware.


Hopefully I'm explaining the situation clearly.  If not, I apologize. Not sure if there is a real solution or if it is a fimare issue.


@ryanburns79 wrote:



Temporary solution: Checked online for a firmware update, and I had the most recent version 1.1.2.  I went ahead and reinstalled the frmware, and viola... fixed.


A few days later, the issue returned.  Same solution with the replacement of firmware, and once again... fixed.


Did the camera  come from the factory with 1.1.2 ?  How many times in total have you run the firmware upgrade?


I don't think it is really a firmware problem, because if it were, every single camera with 1.1.2 would experience the same problem. 


I think you you have a camera defect that is temporarily fixed by running the firmware update procedure. 

Mike Sowsun

First off, I think you may be spot on with your assessment. I thought the same since I couldn't find any conversations about this issue. To answers your questions, no, the camera came with an older firmware installed. Used it for 2 years before this issue. I have only done the firmware update twice now, sice I had the issue a few weeks back.