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7D Mark II Exposure Level Indicator in Manual Mode


In Manual Mode on the 7D Mark II, with a hard ISO set, the exposure level indicator disappears from the bottom of the viewfinder.  If you switch ISO to Auto, the exposure level indicator appears at the bottom of the viewfinder as expected.


Is there a reason that there is no exposure level indicator visible (except the vertical one on the right side) in Manual Mode when an ISO is set manually?  This seems like it might be a glitch.







TTMartin.....I feel your pain. Why would they change this? At first I told myself I'll adjust (I practiced like a mad woman) but then found I didn't bring the camera to any professional jobs. Couldn't take the chance. Used it for nature shots. Not why I bought the camera....I purchased it for work and of course all other photography. It takes fabulous photos. So beautiful. But....I returned it. Not interested in other bells and whistles that the camera offers. That's just my personal preference. I challenge myself in the M mode - trying to get the image as near to perfection with minimal post production. As I had commented before, I returned the camera. If Canon decides to correct the missing metering bar, I'd considered buying it. I just wish Canon would keep things consistent. Best of luck with your camera TTMartin. 

I appreciate your comments and I understand exactly what you are saying.  What I didn't mention is that I used an adapter to fasten my camera directly to a Schmidt Cassegrain telescope.  The telescope was pointing almost directly up to view the eclipse.  I had the focus set manually and the tracking motor was keeping the sun in position.  I was also working 4 other cameras at the same time. 

During a total eclipse the lighting changes drastically very quickly.  To bend down under the camera that was facing up to get readings was very time consuming -- the total eclipse lasts approximately 2 minutes.  Having been able to look directly into the LCD on the top of the camera would have made life much easier.  I ended up guessing and bracketing exposures on this.  Luckly I was able to get some decent photos but many were not exposed properly.  Also, I didn't fail.TotalName.jpg

So beautiful! Outstanding. 

Time consuming is the problem. I freelance for a newspaper company, weddings, etc. and move quickly at times. Taking that tool away, as you know, changes the process and speed.  Just didn't want to deal with it. As soon as they fix the "quirk" I'll purchase another. It was a fabulous camera except for the missing LCD meter and the dotted meter that disappears in the sun. I really didn't want to return it but I bought it as a backup (in hopes of making it my main camera) but was too stressed. I did call Canon and told them my concerns. ps. So enjoyed your eclipse photo. 


Same problem here, whats weird is that I was seeing the exposure level indicator before I sent it in to CPS. I had v. 1.1.1 BUT didn't have a backed up copy, the one I found online doesn't appear to work. 


When shooting night sports, I shoot manual. I had to send my 7D2 into CPS for clean check, and they upgraded firmware from v. 1.1.1 to v. 1.1.2 and the viewfinder exposure level indicator which had shown up while shooting manual with a fixed ISO was MIA! It shows up on auto ISO or AV mode; but I need it on M mode with a fixed ISO.


I have versions 1.1.0 and 1.1.1 but now neither of them are showing the exposure level indicator as I have been seeing.


Shooting the game last night was rather tricky.

I have been looking at this thread for some time.  I am not convinced that the bottom display is showing exposure level, but rather it is displaying exposure compensation, which is almost meaningless in Manual mode, and so it disappears.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

I think you are right; but I'm certain I could see the exposure level clearly on the right. When I adjust the exposure in manual now, I see an indicator dot, just not the level indicator. Wondering if CPS maybe didn't plug something in!

I have given up. I bought the 7D Mk II two years ago n the recommendation of a Mk I user. Canon is totally in the dark on this. It is a mistake. The help desk had NO IDEA what i was talking about. I am selling my unit and thinking whether to stay with Canon (I only have one ES lens). You would have thought after all the so-called good reviews that Canon would know what is happening. I guess the message is: DO NOT TRUST THE REVIEWS!

I was the orginal poster of this topic. 


I sent a 'snail' mail to the president of Canon.  He gave it to a subordinate.  His subordinate said he would look into it.  That was the last I heard from him. 


What I find interesting is that in manual mode the other new Canons, i.e. 5d Mark IV,  6D, and others have the exposure scale visible on the top of the camera, but not the 7D Mark II.


Physically everything is in place on the 7D Mark II to implement this change.  All it requires is a firmware update.  A sharp programmer could fix this in about 3-4 hours and Canon could roll out the new firmware.


Very disappointed in Canon.

Thanks for your comments. The best advice I got from Canon's helpdesk was to "reset to factory settings". Pretty unhelpful and I felt the folk on the phones were not really preapred to take this any further. Probably they are not encouraged to? i also sent a letter to the UK head office in Reigate a few months back and got no reply. Perhaps Canon should suffer the effects of ignoring its customers?
