Hi there, I just purchased this Powershot G5X for my wife, and noticed that when shooting RAW images, they not only are not importable into Lightroom 5; but also not convertible by Adobe DNG converter.How are RAW images supposed to be used?
I have a new 6D, and I am trying to do some 'test' portraits with my 580EX II. I'm using ETTL mode; and aperture priority. I was able to adjust exposure compensation when using my previous camera (1D3) but I can;t seem to be able to soften the intens...
I think you are right; but I'm certain I could see the exposure level clearly on the right. When I adjust the exposure in manual now, I see an indicator dot, just not the level indicator. Wondering if CPS maybe didn't plug something in!
Same problem here, whats weird is that I was seeing the exposure level indicator before I sent it in to CPS. I had v. 1.1.1 BUT didn't have a backed up copy, the one I found online doesn't appear to work. When shooting night sports, I shoot manual. ...
Thank you, yes, thats what I meant regarding soft. I generally use a DIY midifier... need to post a photo of it! It seemed to work nnicely yesterday, here's a with and withut flash shot. I am pleased!
Thanks for clariying. I did make sure that the FEC on the flash was 0. Also made sure that AEB was disabled. I just exported these out of Aperture, so not sure if the XMP is anything more than part of the metedata info. One thing, I shot these in AV ...