70D choppy/jerky video


Hi, recently I got Canon 70D mostly to use it to make videos.

When I watched the videos they were choppy/jerky. I opened it in Windows Media Player, than i downloaded QuickTime and the same problem. I tried open it in Adobe Premiere and exported for YouTube H.264 avi (I always used this for my videos), and It didnt help. Video was still choppy/jerky.

I doubt my computer is too slow:
INTEL I7-3820 3.6 GHZ



I use Windows 7 Proffesional, I tryied QuickTime7 (the newest one on apple website), Adobe Premiere Pro CS 6


Please help

PS. I hope my English is good enough to describe my problem



what is the speed of memory card you use?

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Its SanDisk Extreme 45MB/s and the card came with the camera.

I doubt it is the camera.  I would look else where.  Do your recored and playback frame rates match?

I don't do video but I hear my buddies that do talk about framne rates.

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.


@HighTower, What camera settings do you use to record your movies? And nice computer specs. 🙂

If the videos play back properly on the camera itself, then the camera or memory card are not the problem.


It could be something simple like the Video card in your computer.

Mike Sowsun


thanks, I spend a bit on the PC but it was worth it

Rec. specs: 1920 24fps IPB

I though that shutter speed might be the isue but its not.



Preview on the camera is choppy same as on PC

My computer graphic is a preatty killer.


Im going to buy new SD card and give it a try.

If it is choppy on the camera then I would say it is your card. It's probably a counterfeit card and no where near the 45MB/s as advertised. 

Mike Sowsun

So, i bought a new SD card 95MB/s sandisc, and the same effect.

I started playing with the camera and with FPS.

I found that the problem is in FPS.


@ 1920 x 1080: 30 fps, 25 fps, 24 fps
@ 1280 x 720: 60 fps, 50 fps
@ 640 x 480: 30 fps, 25 fps

When i record a video in 1280x720 60fps its nice and smooth, any other option is choppy. So now im confuse how people record Full HD 1920x1080 30fps (or less) and its smooth? Why any other camera can record in les then 30fps and its smooth?


For example why this video is smooth and was recorden in 24fps?

I know they used 5D mkiii and some other cameras but still 24fps, action movie plaing nice. My 30fps can record simply card moving on a street.


Do you guys have an idea what is wrong?


by doing reserch i find that i used wrong word (sorry but dictionary faild), the video is not choppy but stuttering.

I did research for progressive and strobing and i kinda found all the information which is:


If you record in 30fps or less you will have the stuttering effect if obiect are moving. There are few hint how to make it less visible such as lower your shutter speed, or speed the video up a little bit in post production.


I still dont understan why footahe on my GoPro 1080 30fps is nice and smooth even if i record cars, snowboarding etc
