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6D Mark II hang / freeze with 1.0.4 firmware


Hi, I replaced my 5D Mark II with a 6D Mark II, and today was the first day I took it out for kids soccer action.


During the morning the camera hanged / froze twice, nothing was responding, LCD was on, power button did nothing, I had to pull the battery to get going again.


When I received the camera, I upgraded the firmware to 1.0.4, that is supposed to have fixed hang / freeze problems.


I was shooting with a Canon 70-200 2.8 L IS (original version), Av 2.8, ISO Auto minimum shutter speed 1/1000, AI Servo, high speed multi shot, GPS on, WiFi off.


The viewfinder has a black spot, so I may replace the camera for that anyway, but the hang is concerning.


Any ideas?


FYI, my camera has been fine ever since I got a replacement.

Unfortunately I have the same problem and I only had my camera for 16 days 😔. Glad to know it's not just me experiencing my 6d2 freezing up. Guess I'll need to exchange/repaired.