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5D mark IV - AEB Issue (when in manual mode)




I have an issue with my 5D mark IV when shooting in manual mode. When I bracket shots in manual mode, the camera brackets by changing aperture rather than exposure time, which is extremely odd. The camera brackets normally (by adjusting exposure time) when in aperture priority mode. It's a problem since I shoot manual most of the time. I've tried resetting the camera (as best you can), but to no avail.


It's had this problem since new. I'd put off dealing with it as I was hoping a firmware update might rectify it, but having upgraded to v1.0.4 recently, I was sorely disappointed.


Having Googled the problem, I know of at least one other person who is experiencing the same (as yet unresolved) problem.


Does anyone have any suggestions as to what might be the problem? 



PS. My nearest service centre is 800 miles away, so popping by there isn't so convenient. 


I agree.  Canon messed this up.  I did a comparison between the 5D Mark 4 and the 7D Mark 2.  The 7D Mark 2 has the same experience I had with the 5D mark 2 & 3, the 7D, the 20D, and the 40D.  The 5D Mark 4 uses the Aperture to bracket.  All the other cameras use the shutter to bracket.  


I wonder why Canon decided to do this?  It would be a worthwhile feature to use ISO and Aperture in addition to Shutter bracketing.  I would definitely use Aperture bracketing if I could keep the esposure constant by varying the ISO.  


But right now I need to remember to use the 7D when I need to manual bracket images.  This is a major issue.


THANK YOU!!! I have been puzzled by this for many many months!!!

I think this has been figured out. I too am perplexed by this but I changed the main dial to control the aperture in manual mode and that causes it to bracket with the aperture. If you change the main dial to control the shutter in manual mode it will bracket with the shutter all on the 5d mk 4