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5D Mark IV plus EF 24-105 f/4L Kit


Hi All,


I recently purchased one of these body + lens kits but I’m finding huge variance in focus/sharpness when shooting landscapes (in full auto mode). Some shots come out great but others clearly fail - anyone else using this setup and has some tips? I went ahead with the purchase as the reviews looked solid - but so far - I’m not seeing good results.


All thoughts and advice greatly appreciated.



How are you focusing?

I’m using AF area selection mode - so depending on the scene - I get multiple “square regions” in the FoV or sometimes just one.


Are you familiar with how shutter speed and aperture affect focus and depth of field? Shooting in auto mode usually produces at least acceptable results in good lighting conditions. But sometimes it can also jump up and bite you in the backside.


Can you maybe post a couple sample shots with the EXIF info intact so we can see exactly what your shooting conditions were like?

Yes, I am familiar with exposure/F#/Depth etc.  I'm attaching one shot where it has clearly selected the foreground but the viewfinder indicated multile regions.  Its strange as my previous Canon (old Rebel XS) never let me down for AF.  With that camera at times I had to manually adjust F# and ISO when I didnt like the Auto result. - but never focus/sharpness.  So with my upgrade I thought using Auto would be at least as good if not better than the older cam...


Can you put in DPP and show us the focus points with a screenshot?

Sorry - I'm lost there with DPP?.  Attaching another shot where the AF was fine.  Like i say - I was using an older Rebel XS and never had issues with the AF.  But that wasn't a full frame sensor - do you guys have better luck using manual focus? I've not tried low light/night yet but not confident this will deliver AF wise..I'm confident adjusting exposure and ISO though to get what I want in the respect.


*that respect

@Bevereeno wrote:

Sorry - I'm lost there with DPP?...


It sounds like you've yet to experiment with DPP (Digital Photo Professional), Canon's RAW editing software. Keep it in the back of your mind for when you get more comfortable with the complexities of your new camera. You've made a pretty big jump from the Rebel XS to the 5D. But try shooting in RAW or RAW+jpeg and set aside some time to try editing some RAW files in DPP. It's amazing the amount of shadow detail and contrast you can pull out of an otherwise flat, lifeless looking image.

I also recommend you get DPP4 or some other (better) post editor.  For great photos an editor is mandatory.  Certainly anyone who drops the coin on a 5D Mk IV wants great photos. A subscription to LR/PS would be best.


I almost never use multiple focus point preferring to use just the center one most of the time. Your 5D4 will typically select the closest thing from it for pin point focus.  Almost never a good thing! P mode or even the green square isn't the problem multiple points is.


BTW, always shoot Raw file format, too.

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.