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5D Mark III Won't Get off of Live View


Hey guys, I've been having this problem with my 5D mark III. I set it to live view for a photoshoot but nothing has happened until about 30min later it just switched to live view. Disabling it is not effective either. I have downloaded all the updates and restored my camera to default settings multiple times. Whenever I restore the settings it works normally for a few shots until I take any action other than shoot. Because of this I cannot shoot RAW and its importnat for my job to do so. Shooting a wedding with live view and on jpegs is honestly a mess so if you have any tricks on getting this fixed I would so apreciate it!


Are you saying that the camera sporadically applies both live view and JPEG simultaneously? If so, that would seem to narrow the possibilities a bit, since there's no obvious correlation between those two settings. Are you possibly using one of the custom mode settings (C1 - C3)? I think those could be made to apply live view and JPEG at the same time. Offhand, it's hard to think of anything else that would.


One action that could (I think) turn on live view automatically is locking the mirror up. But that shouldn't have anything to do with the RAW/JPEG choice.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

I have live view disabled but it is stil working and the only way to get rid of it is if I reset all the settings but by doing so the camera shoots in jpeg and changing that one setting to raw turn the liveview back on. I can shoot raw but then I have to stick with the liveview

@szuszanik wrote:

I have live view disabled but it is stil working and the only way to get rid of it is if I reset all the settings but by doing so the camera shoots in jpeg and changing that one setting to raw turn the liveview back on. I can shoot raw but then I have to stick with the liveview

How have you “disabled Live View”?  


Again, check the position of the [Live View / Movie] switch.  Your descriptions of the camera behavior are consistent with that switch being accidentally set to “Movie” mode.  It is very easy to accidentally change the switch setting when you lift the camera body out of a camera bag, or when placing it in a camera bag.


Do you carry a second camera body on jobs?

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

I was trying to fix it through menu settings but it was tthe"Movie" switch that has been turned on all this time and I complitely did not notice! Thanks for pointing it out.

What is resolution of the JPEGs? Your complaints are almost consistent with camera being in movie mode.
"Enjoying photography since 1972."