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I need a tip about lens's for 1D-C for 4K video


I am considering the 1D-C for pro video mostly in studio 4K.  I am thus far considering Canon CN-E 14mm T3.1 L F Cinema Prime Lens.  Most 99% of what I will shoot will be in a well lite studio. I want extremely high quality equipment for Pro video. 

Zoom in close ups will be nice but the $20,000 dollar price tag is a little cost prohibitive right now however I will consider the: 

Canon PL-Mount CN-E 15.5-47mm f/2.8 L SP/MOD Digital Cinema Zoom Lens in the future. 

My main question with this thread is if my subjects I wish to film are withing 10' never exceeding 15' to 20' Mostly within 5 to 10' and some close ups less than 2'  will the Canon CN-E 14mm T3 cinema prime lens be a general good workhorse for the job?


Feel free to give me tips on other essential lens.  I do want to do high quality still photography can I use the same lens for that too?


Thanks for the tips.




Hello DickEX, 

The EOS-1D C is a great choice for the type of cinematography / photography you seem to be doing.  Well versed in both recording high quality 4K footage as well as still image capability, it's quite the versatile little workhorse.  Coupled with either an EF Cinema prime or zoom lens and you've got an outstanding rig capable of handling about anything you'd throw at it. 

As far as the lens choices are concerned, the best for versatility would be the CN-E 15.5-47mm T/2.8 L S [note, not SP which is PL mount].  You'll have a wide range with this lens to work with.  If you are in the market for an ultra wide angle, and you think you won't be needing the zoom ability, then the CN-E 14mm T/3.1 L F would be a fine choice as well. 

With the EOS-1D C, you'd be able to use both Canon Cinema lenses as well as normal, EF series lenses.  So the range of lens options from which to choose from is quite large.

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Most studio shots use zoom lenses, since you'll always have enough light and plenty of control over where things go. You probably don't want to limit yourself to 14mm, that's a pretty wide lens for video on the 1Dc.
Canon's 70-200mm f/2.8L IS (original or version II) are incredible lenses for the 1Dc and other fullframe cameras. They are tack sharp, fast, and the IS works for video. Considering the sensor size of the 1Dc, you probably want a longer lens option than 47mm.
The downside of larger-than-super 35 sensors is you can't use a lot of great lenses, like Canon's 30-105 T2.8. Most people I know who shoot on the 1Dc either use fullframe cine primes (Zeiss CP2s, Canon CN-E) or photo zooms (17-40, 24-70, 70-200).

I'm a cinematographer in Chicago using mostly Canon gear. I also founded MKE Production Rental in Milwaukee.