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Anyone experienced a Lens that works vertically not horizontally


I have a 70-200 f2.8 IS USM II coupled with a 60D camera.  The Lens was dropped (fell out of the truck) and hit the pavement.  I take sports/action pics and since then when I take pics "veritcally" (turning camera sideways for a full length shot) the pics are fine - no issues with the lens focusing or anything.  However, when I take pic horizontally, they look like I added a vignette type feature where the exact center point is in focus and then it blurs as it goes outward.  It is more pronounced when extending to 200mm versus 70mm.


Any idea what this may be and if a fix is even possible (costly or not?) and why it is damaged vertically and not horizontally?


All feedback welcome!!


Thank you.



You'll have to send the lens in and get it looked at, to get any idea if it's repairable and/or what the cost might be.


It sounds as if some of the elements or groups in the lens are loose or decentered badly, or another part is loose inside.


I'd suspect the group that operates the IS, since that operates on vertical and horizontal axes. If one is damaged due to the hard fall, it might only cause problems in one orientation. It also might be a part knocked loose and flopping around inside, that drops into the light path when the lens is in one orientation, but falls back out of the way when in the other orientation. AFAIK (and I certainly have never disassembled one of those lenses and studied how it works, so this is just a guess), any decentering or slippage of most of the other elements and groups would effect the lens in all orientations.


Alan Myers

San Jose, Calif., USA
"Walk softly and carry a big lens."
GEAR: 5DII, 7D(x2), 50D(x3), some other cameras, various lenses & accessories

