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i9900 printer driver


I have an i9900 printer and am trying to use on windows 8, cannot find a driver to load



Hi, Garethll, thanks for posting!

Unfortunately, since the i9900 printer was originally released in 2004, we do not have driver updates available for Windows 8 operating systems.  However, we do have some alternative options for you that we think you'll find helpful! Please use this

Contact Us link to get started; we hope this helps!

I am a Canon customer with at least $30,000 in Canon photo equip.  The fact that you no longer support drivers for the i9900 printer under Windows 8 is a slap in the face. 


Canon has just lost one customer. I will not buy another Canon printer for the rest of my life.  This printer is in perfect working order and it is not that old.  This is how HP lost me as a customer almost 20 years ago when they stopped supporting my $3000 scanner. 


When are companies going to realize how little effort it takes to keep a customer.   Forcing them to toss a perfectly good piece of equipment is pure stupidity.


Actually the printer works under windows 8 with most applications, it is Canon Easy PhotPrint that has been intentionally programmed to ignore that I have a Canon printer and refuses to even try to print. It's can't even be argued that it is not intentional because as a computer programmer I know that Windows 8 is programatically almost identical to Win7, and the Easy PhotoPrint application is the exact same application, it runs, it is just not able to recognize the printer. So I get the "Windows 8" version and it refuses as well. Instead of buying another Canon printer with planned obsolecense, I will choose to forsake Canon from this day forward. Bye.




My i9900 is in excellent working order. My Windows XP laptop died, so I picked up a new laptop with Windows 8. Now I learn that my new computer won't talk with my i9900 because Canon won't spend the effort to write the drivers. Has Canon decided nine years is the limit, and that all Canon users should buy new printers at that time?


What if the Canon PR department said, "Let's step up and be heroes to our customers, to show them we value their decision to buy Canon." That would create social media buzz they could never buy with advertising.


Or, Canon can get ready for the barrage of social media posts that grow with every Windows 8 hardware purchase.



Plug in your i9900 to your Win8/64 computer, turn it on--and voila, it works.


Source: personal experience, from just now.

It might be good customer relations for you to tell people that they can just plug in their i9900 to their Win8/64 computer and it just works.

Although the printer works with virtually all apps, the main issue here is that it is not recognized when trying to print with ZoomBrowser.

...not exactly...the image size screen comes up...but....cannot resize the image...the measurement boxes do no appear...


As of about 2 hours ago I have my i9900 connected to the USB print server on my new DD-WRT router and working as a shared printer.  (Pretty heady stuff for me!) 


While it worked perfectly with my old Vista desktop, I couldn't initially get it to work with my Windows 8.1 notebook, so I tried installing it as a network device on the notebook using the Windows drivers for the Canon ProMark 9000 series.  SUCCESS!


There may be, and probably are, limitations imposed by this workaround but most likely I wouldn't be doing any serious graphics printing from the notebook computer anyway, and it fills my need for a functional printer.  




yes i'll try this //     just went from vista to windows 7 ..and now my i9900 won't work ..  and microsoft & canon seem too be working together on .. not updating the needed drivers..   for printer..   i say bull**bleep** ..   too both ..  i'll find away ..    
