how do I print in black without using my color ink on my pixma mx 922 printer?


how do I print in black without using my color ink  on my pixma mx 922 printer?


i have the same problem using osx 10.14.6 with TR7500 series. No way to use my black cartidges when doublesided is used . i tried all the answers here. My colors goes down. not my black cartridge. CANON please change this behavior. In a medium term it would be less expensive to buy another brand which does it right. 

This does not solve the problem for Canon Pixma MP600 on my Macs. It still demands a colour cartridge before it will print black. Yes this IS a SCAM! I only want to use this printer for black text, not have to fork out $$ for 3 colour cartridges that will go dry in a few months unused!!

On my Pixma MP600 it doesn't matter which of my 3 different aged Macs, which of my 3 different OS's, which driver version, the problem seems to be a fundamental problem with printers (at least Canon & HP). A few years back printers would print anything you asked if there was a drop of ink in one cartridge. There was no chip programmed to control it. Now, you can't do anything unless all cartridges have ink no matter what colour or greyscale you want to print! Money making racket like so many other things pushed onto us out of our control, I hate this stuff.

I can tell you how but I will tell you this. LOL I got rid of my Pixima becuase even though I could hack it, and even though I could get it to print black only , It was Not JUST using black.   I would probably still be using it though had I not come accross this sweet deal on what I have runningnow though which has the options to use ONLY black without running color and switching back and fourth is easy so I can print my regular documents and all that good stuff in black and white , Crisp and clear, and not run teh tanks down in colors.  also, I have the tanks hacked running huge and awesomely. so even if I did have color  projects, I am still squared up dirty cheap. I bought a redsetter, the cheap battery one, when I did it lasted a awhile and then Ihacked teh redsetter as well and powered it with USB support for power.  so endless chip resetter.   but now, really, you can buy like 30 carts for 15 bones on ebay. It;s cheaper to redset and refill but also pretty cheap and 2 bucks a pop for carts really if you dont want to mess with refilling and  resetting.

  My new set up is on medium bulk ink, I can run it heaper than the paper costs. all day long.   Bt it's not new and not cannon.

 This is the grey scale rules for teh cannons.     you might have already seen this, sucks I know.


Image quality will be sacrificed when printing photographs and graphics.

1. Open the Print dialog box by clicking File and selecting 'Print' from inside the application being printed from.

2. Select the 'Quality & Media' settings from the pop-up menu.

3. Select 'Plain Paper' as the Media Type.

4. Select the box for 'Grayscale Printing'.

5. Select 'Printing a composite document' from the Print Mode.

6. Click 'Print' to save the changes.

   Grey scale is basically it for the piximas.   sorry man, there is a way to still go the cheap route

dude, greyscale printing is not longer there!!!

This answer does not help when printing black and white photographs. If I select Plain Paper as suggested here, the flow of ink does not match the actual paper, which is glossy photo paper because I am trying to print a photograph. There must be a better way to print a black and white photograph in black and white!!! Every suggestion I try ends up with a tinted result--NOT a purely black and white photograph. 
