how do I print in black without using my color ink on my pixma mx 922 printer?


how do I print in black without using my color ink  on my pixma mx 922 printer?




It appears that RMx2 never followed up on the request for information from Patrick-Product Expert on how to print in Black and White  However, I have the same question as him/her.  Here is the information for my Canon Pixma Pro9500 Mark II.  (I have other Canon printers that I wish to "force" to print in black and white too.  It appears the information I've supplied for the Mark II is the same for them.)   I also just noticed that there was a "Canon Injet Printer Software Update" pushed to my computer by Apple.  It was version 3.2.

Thanks in advance for your help in this matter.


Best, Mr. Luigi




Thank you for your response!  Here is the requested information:


Canon MX920 series:


  Status: Idle

  Print Server: Local

  Driver Version:

  Default: Yes

  System Printer Sharing: No

  Shared: No

  URI: canonijnetwork://Canon/Canon%20MX920%20series?TYPE=_canon-bjnp1._tcp.

  PPD: Canon MX920 series

  PPD File Version:

  PostScript Version: (3010.000) 705

  CUPS Version: 2.0.0 (cups-408.2)

  Scanning support: Yes

  Scanning app (bundleID path): -

  Scanning app version: -

  Scanner UUID: -

  Printer Commands: PrintSelfTestPage ReportLevels

  CUPS filters:


  Path: /Library/Printers/Canon/BJPrinter/Filters/Raster2CanonIJ/Raster2CanonIJ.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Raster2CanonIJ

  Permissions: rwxr-xr-x

  Version: 12.3.0


  Path: /Library/Printers/Canon/BJPrinter/Filters/Command2CanonIJ.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Command2CanonIJ

  Permissions: rwxr-xr-x

  Version: 12.3.0

  Fax support: No

  Printer utility: /Library/Printers/Canon/BJPrinter/Utilities/

  Printer utility version: 12.3.0



  Sandbox compliant: Yes


Product Expert
Product Expert



Additional troubleshooting will have to be done to narrow down why the Grayscale option is not available for your printers. Please contact our support group using the "Contact Us" link below for additional assistance.

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Hi. I would love to be able to print in black and white not using colour ink too. I have pasted below the info you asked for from someone else. I have a mcbook pro version 10.8.5 and a canon MG6300. any help would be much appreciated. I cannot find a greyscale option anywhere in the print dailogue boxes or in the Textedit application option.



Canon MG6300 series (

Status: Stopped
Print Server: Local
Driver Version:
Default: No
Shared: No
URI: canonijnetwork://Canon/MG6300%20series?
PPD: Canon MG6300 series
PPD File Version:
PostScript Version: (3010.000) 705
CUPS Version: 1.6.2 (cups-327.9)
Scanning support: Yes
Scanning app (bundleID path): -
Scanning app version: -
Scanner UUID: -
Printer Commands: PrintSelfTestPage ReportLevels
CUPS filters:
Path: /Library/Printers/Canon/BJPrinter/Filters/Raster2CanonIJ/Raster2CanonIJ.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Raster2CanonIJ
Permissions: rwxr-xr-x
Version: 13.0.0
Path: /Library/Printers/Canon/BJPrinter/Filters/Command2CanonIJ.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Command2CanonIJ
Permissions: rwxr-xr-x
Version: 13.0.0
Fax support: No
Printer utility: /Library/Printers/Canon/BJPrinter/Utilities/
Printer utility version: 13.0.0
Sandbox compliant: Yes



I have the same problem with my Mac compurer and my MG2510 Canon printer. 


Can you confirm to me that I need a color ink in the printer in order to print black and white, even though I do all the steps you recommended?


I did all these steps, but I do not have color ink in my printer, I only have black ink. It is giving me the following code: "Support Code : 1687 An ink cartridge is not installed properly. Open the printer's cover, make sure the ink cartridge is installed properly, and close the cover". However, the ink is properly installed.


Please give me feed back as soon as possible, or else I will bring back this printer to the store tomorrow.


Thank you,



How do I print on a Mac version 10.10.5? I was able to follow all the steps listed previously until I got to "Quality and Media" where I could see "Grayscale OFF" but I didn't have the option to click it or make changes. 

I too have OS X Yosemite 10.5.5 and the grayscale option is missing.

I have just downloaded and installed mcpd-mac-mx860-11_7_1_0-ea17_2.dmg and the printer driver shows as


This is very frustrating. I do not want to print an A4 page of full colour just to get a ticket printed. It is far too expensive an option to print full page colour.

Hopefully this issue can be resolved ASAP for Apple as the grayscale option is available in Windows 

I did find the grayscale option but I have never come across, and hope I never come across again, such a convoluted way to change to grayscale. The grayscale option and all others should be available in all print dialogue boxes.

I guess the average user will just give up and print colour with it's associated expense

Hello, I have a canon pixma printer and It ran out of ink so yesterday I bought a cartege of black in (240) and I printed 3 papers yesterday. Today i trien to print another paper but the light for color ink started flashing and asked me to refill it and it did not allow me to print. How can I make it use the black ink only?

Hi, mohamedhosny112!

To have a better understanding of your issue, please let everyone know what operating system (Windows Vista/7/8 or Mac OS 10.X) you are using.

If this is a time-sensitive matter, our US-based technical support team is standing by, ready to help 24/7 via Email at or by phone at 1-800-OK-CANON (1-800-652-2666) weekdays between 10 AM and 10 PM ET (7 AM to 7 PM PT).

