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error 9923


Trying to scan  (MX920) on my MacBook Air with OSX  10.11.2

This has worked with no problem before.  Now I try to get into the scanner through various methods and get the same error:

"An error occurred while communicating with the scanner. (-9923)"


It is printing fine. Connected via WiFi.

I have restarted both the printer and computer more than once. No change.


What do you mean by "the top of the program"? When I open any of the utilities I do not see any opportunity to select a machine to scan with. I previously had a Canon printer and that seems to be the default in some places but I don't have the option to change it.


Very frustrating.

Hello dhfulton2,


When you have IJ Scan Utility open, you will want to make the printer name has network attached to it if the printer is setup wirelessly. For example a MX922 that is connected wirelessly should appear as MX920 Series Network in IJ Scan Utility. If the printer is setup with a USB cord, it should only be listed as MX920 series.


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Same problem with TS8220  Cant find the IJ Scan Utility in Finder of MacPro 2013.  Perhaps I need to re-install canon software?


My TS8220 will not scan 


I’m seeing the message “An error occurred while communicating with scanner. (-9923).  Ironically, I bought this Canon because my Canon MP980 stopped scanning.  Perhaps the same error disabled scanning on my MP980 too.


The TS8220 is directly connected to a MacPro 2013 running Mojave MacOS 10.14 via USB.  I also tried connecting through a USB hub and router but the scan error persists.  Printing via USB works fine as does wireless printing.


I executed the Canon IJ Scan Utility but don’t know what to modify.


This really is the worst printer I've ever owned. At least for a Mac. Canon and MS must be well aligned, but the experience on OSX is terrible. Mine's randomly not communicating yet again.


Time to cut my losses and buy something that's not a canon.

I bought my new TS9120 on Saturday, and spent two frustrating days (including a 90 minute conversation with a Canon tech support person) without success. I changed my search term to the error message that pops up and found your answer.

As soon as I disabled IPv6, it worked. Thank you!

You, sir, are a genius, sir, I just spent nearly 2 hrs trying to crack this before I found this post! Thank you!

OMG, it works! Thanks a billion. I have TS6120 and now it connects to my MacAir for scanning.

Thank you so much.  

Just as a point that may save someone time.  On my TS9120 I disabled IPv6 by clicking  

  • the network icon
  • Lan Settings
  • Common Settings
  • TCP/IP settings
  • IPV6
  • Yes at the warning
  • Enable/disable
  • Disable

I am having this same problem.  I have tried your solution without success

