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compatible router for MF6160dw recommendation?


Hello, I have a MF6160dw and am using it wirelessly on my home network.  My router is a TM AC-1900 (aka RT-AC68U).  I want to use the Google Cloud Print, however it will not allow me to register it with Google Cloud Print.  Believe me, I have tried it all, even with Canon reps.  If I swap out that router with my old crappy wireless router of a different mfr, it works perfectly.  Asus has said that their routers are not compatible with this Canon product.  


Thus, I am going to buy a new router that hopefully works with Canon, has a USB 3.0 port (for MyCloud 2 backup/storage), and allows good high speed passage for online gaming PCs. 


Any suggestions or advice?  If you are not sure that a router works with this Canon product, feel free to pass on your advice as I am sure there are others who have this exact same issue and need advice from someone who is in the know.  I do value your advice, but you get the picture.  
