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Will I get warning maintenance cartridge is getting full on G3270?


I have a new one day old G3270 that I am trying to learn about.

Will I get warning maintenance cartridge is getting full or will printer just stop working until I replace it?  On older printers like MG6620 I would get message that it was full, but for a long time I could just press OK and keep right on printing.  It would not be good to have printer just stop without a few warnings that things are getting close to being full and giving a person some time to get a replacement.

Also, how long will that maintenance cartridge last?  Seems unless I do a lot of cleaning, it shouldn't be filling up.  Hopefully the printer doesn't just decide nozzle or deep cleaning all on it's own.  



Maybe I am the only one with a G3270 or this was a dump question?



You will get a notification that the cartridge is getting full just like you would with the ink absorber on your previous model printer. 

If the printer is left on, it will do a quick clean cycle at random intervals to prevent any nozzle clogging issues. If you do get to the point where the error message appears about the cartridge getting full, you should have enough time to get a replacement cartridge. 

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Hi, Arthur,

I have a newly-acquired Pixma G3270. I have it set for Automatic Off and Automatic On. Will the quick clean cycle you speak of occur automatically when the printer is off?

I note that, with the printer off, every so often I see it light up, grunt once, and go dark (all within a few seconds). Is this the automatic quick clean cycle you speak of?

I actually print to this printer fairly infrequently. Given that the printer automatically performs the quick clean cycle periodically (if it does), is it still advisable that I, for example, run at least a nozzle test print every couple of weeks to avoid nozzle clogging?

Is this quick clean cycle the same as any of the cleaning operations I can choose from the printer control panel or driver control panel? If not, just what does it do?


Doug Kerr
