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Turn off IP8750 colour management / Mac OS ?



I don't seem to be able to find a way to switch off colour management in the IP8750 print options (so I can apply a profile from within Adobe Lightroom).


I would be just about willing to overlook this if the printer-controlled profile was any good - but prints using this have a washed out look and a pink colour-cast, making it useless as a photo printer (which is the reason I bought it).


The printer is connected using Wi-FI to a Mac OS (Darwin) system.  I have tried the 'Bonjour' and 'Canon IJ Network' connection types.  Any options for turning off the colour management within the print set-up are completely eluding me (or they just don't exist).


I have been looking into this for some time, it seems several others have experienced the same issue.  The nearest I got to a solution was that someone stated that using Canon IJ (rather than Bonjour) would work, but it doesn't enable any other options for me.  (See


Has anyone managed to make this work - is there a specific order in which to set things up?  I'm willing to do whatever is needed - if it means editing config files manually, no problem - anything to turn what is currently a very expensive doorstop into a useful printer!


Thanks in advance.







I don't know if anyone got back to you but have a look at this link on the Canon Community.


Gail B
