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TR8520 Wrong Paper Size Error


I keep getting a wrong paper size error - 2113 when I try to Copy.

The paper size is Letter and it is loaded in the cassette for Letter size.

However, it will not print and says replace with correct paper size.

I changed the cassette to the A4 setting and continued to use Letter size paper.

This will print, but I am sure it will cause problems later.

Any suggestions?

n the cassette 


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi rhf,

The 2114 error occurs when the paper that is selected on your printer does not match the paper selected in the print settings.

Please try this:

1.  Please tap the gear icon at the bottom of the display on your PIXMA TR8520.

2.  Tap Settings.

3.  Tap Device settings.

4.  Please scroll down the list and tap Feed settings.

5.  Tap Detect paper setting mismatch.

6.  Tap No.

7.  Once that is set, please press the Home icon in the upper left corner.

Please attempt to print.






