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TR4720 Stuck in Copy Mode


Its stuck in copy mode and wont let me print from my phone


Product Expert
Product Expert


I recommend performing a reset of the printer. While the printer is on, unplug the power cord from the printer. While the power is off, press the power button 5 times. After 60 seconds plug the power cord back in and power on the printer.

After the restart, try to print again. If the same issue happens, do you have another device you can try printing from as a test? 

We look forward to hearing back from you


I have to say, this answer is hilarious. The power button 5x and plug in does NOT fix copy error. Your answer? Do you have another device? LOL 

So for YEARS there’s been NO fix for stuck in copy mode! Across ALL models! 
its 2023 now and I have a ts5320a in copy mode. I can print a nozzle clog test, (it’s a week new!! Second time playing with it since start up) it connects to my phone, but not my laptop. But there’s nothing on my phone to print. The printer works. The connection or app is missing something somewhere. Now I have to plug in, because there is NO fix. Sadly just a mobile user (as promised on box they can print from phone) would have to purchase  another device or just scrap getting a copying/scanning printer. From canon anyway.  To anyone else- we’ll probably have to buy a USB wire from Amazon. 

Hi Sumbl1ss,

The PIXMA TS5320a can print wirelessly from a computer (laptop in your case) and also mobile devices such as phones or tablets.

Because you are able to print from your phone, we know that your TS5320a is connected to your Wi-Fi.

There are many causes of the issue that you are experiencing.  Your laptop could be on a VPN, which would block access to your printer.  The driver may not be installed correctly.  Your laptop may have security software installed, blocking communication with the printer.

Please contact us by creating a My Canon Account and then clicking the Chat Support or Phone Support button.  A Technical Support Representative will assist you with getting your PIXMA TS5320a working properly.

You may create or access your My Canon Account by using this link:

Once you have created your account, log in and click on Service & Support in the menu on the left side of the page.  On the right, click the Get Service & Support next to your PIXMA TS5320a.  Once that page loads, click either the Chat or Phone button to obtain support.






