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Specify data transfer for printer: USB, wired network or wireless


I just purchased a iP8720 printer.  There is NO direct ethernet connection. So, apparently, the only way to transfer data to the printer is via WiFi or USB.     


Can someone help me understand how the data flows when I print?


1. Is it possible to connect DIRECTLY via WiFi from the computer to the printer?  (I think this is a no.)


2. Can I connect via ethernet from computer to network (wired) which then communicates to printer via the access point/router (wireless)?  (I think this is, yes, the normal data flow.)


3. Can I have no networking and still print via USB from computer to printer?  (Even if the answer is yes, how do you do this and CONFIRM you are using USB and not transferring data with network?)


4. Follow up to #3, if I have both the computer and the printer connected to the network, but I also have the USB connection (computer to printer) how do I force printing via the wired USB connection?  SOOOOOO much faster, but I can't figure out a way to do this.






Here's the default - computer sends data via wired ethernet to my network which then must send that data via the wifi point back to printer. 





SO I found this totally obscure functionality that allows me to print from USB directly.  Does anyone else find this a bit...frustrating?  Why is it necessary to go through such difficult steps to switch from using one data input to another?  Seriously?  I have to hold a button and count 12 flashes?  Come on folks!  This is just silly.


Re: PIXMA iP8720 wifi off 

Hi MateMayer,


To disable the wireless LAN setting on your PIXMA iP8720, please follow these steps:


 1.  Make sure that the power is turned on.


 2.  Hold down the RESUME/CANCEL button until the POWER lamp flashes 12 times, then release it immediately.


After you release the button, the power lamp will flash a few times and then stay lit.


When wifi has been disabled, the blue wifi lamp will be off.

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And I don't even know how to re-enable the WIFI.  I'll have to search and hope to find that. 


CANON - either add such basic functionality instructions to the actual printer instructions or make it simple.  Please!!

Actually, for any CANON moderators...


Please direct me to the list of functions that exist based on all button pushes and light flash counting.  No kidding.  It has to be recorded somewhere.  Please provide it so we as purchasers of this product, know all of the available functionality.  Maybe I am missing something, but I don't find this information available. 

Now, I am unable to reset the printer so it accepts WiFi and USB.  Sigh.  Fail.


Also, if both are enabled (WiFi and USB), which one takes precedence?   I really hope this is all spelled out somewhere and I am just an idiot and can't find it.  


It is so basic and this printer has been out long enough, but I just can't seem to get clear concise correct answers.  How do we make this system better?

Why does this forum think this is solved just because someone Replies?  Probably my bad on not understanding the forum rules, but do you think the system should automatically say a SOLUTION is available?  VERY misleading.  Who set this thing up?  

Hi, blueice007!

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1.  The printer cannot be used with a direct Wi-Fi connection to a computer.  The printer and computer need to be connected to the same Wi-Fi router.


2.  If you connect the printer to your Wi-Fi router, and your computer connects to the same router wether through Wi-Fi or Ethernet, the printer and computer should be able to communicate.


3.  You can still use a standard A to B USB cable to connect the printer directly to a computer. 


4.  You can only use on connection with a computer at a time.  If you need to swtich from a wireless to a USB connection with the printer, the drivers need to be uninstalled and reinstalled whenever you wish to switch connection methods.


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