Selphy CP-760 print options


Good evening, I tried to figure out how to print 4 or 6 different photos on a page on a Selphy CP-760 this past weekend but I could not do it.  I set the printer to print in this configuration but the manual isn't much help as far as telling how to select certain photos on a memory card.  The option I saw was, "Print all photos" which I didn't want to do!!  There were about 80 photos my wife took of her craft items and the 36 I took which I wanted to print.  The printer wanted to print ALL 116 photos!!


Can someone please tell me how to print just certain photos so they come out either 4-up or 6-up on a single page?


I suppose the other option is to get a brand new SD memory card just for my photos to print so I don't have to worry about picking & choosing!!




Product Expert
Product Expert



you can use the 2-up or 4-up options when printing from a memory card.  This will allow you to print 2 or 4 images on a single sheet.


More information can be found in the Printer Guide which is available for download on our website.


SELPHY CP760 Manuals


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Good evening Michael,


Thank you for the reply, however, it really doesn't fully answer my question.

  I know how to set up the printer in the Printer Preferences to print 2/4 up so I am trying to find out how to pick & choose certain photos from the memory card in order to print as "2 up" or "4 up".  That is what I can't find in the Manual.  If it's there and I'm not seeing it, can you please reference a page number?


Thank you very much.

Rich K



When scrolling through the images on the printer, use the up or down arrow keys to set the number of copies. 


For example, when you would like to print four specific images on a sheet, scroll through the images and place a "1" value for those specific images.  Then leave a "zero" for the ones that you do not wish to print.  This should place the four images on a single sheet of a 4-Up printout.


View page 8 of the manual for reference.


If you continue to have difficulties, find more help at Contact Us.



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Perfect, thank you very much!!
