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Replacement Ink Cartriges


I refilled my Pixma MP620 ink cartriges at Costco, but when I put them in, I get an error message (U150) that reads, "The following ink tank cannot be recognized". Is there anything I can do to have these cartriges recognized so I can begin printing again?


Rising Star

Hi bennett,


Generally we don't recommend using ink refills because you never know the quality of the ink that you are getting, but if you choose to use refills or third party cartridges, you should be able to do so by holding down the stop/reset button for 5 seconds.  This will turn off the ink sensor built into the printer until the ink cartridge is replaced with a Genuine Canon ink tank.  The one side effect of doing this is that the printer will not be able to determine the amount of ink in the tank, but it will allow you to use the third party ink.

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Hi Karl. Thanks for the reply. 


" The one side effect of doing this is that the printer will not be able to determine the amount of ink in the tank, but it will allow you to use the third party ink."


I'm not sure I completely understand. is there a way to turn the sensor back on (to determine my ink levels) without purchasing another set of genuine Canon cartriges?  

Hello again Karl,


I think I'm missing something. I pressed the stop button for 5 seconds, but nothing happened. Is there a reset button?

Hi bennett,


My name is Devin and I will be happy to assist you.  Holding down the STOP/RESET button for five light flashes (approximate seconds) will only disable the ink detection for one ink tank.  You will need to hold it down for each ink tank to properly disable these messages. 


What was meant by the previous statement regarding the ink level is you will NOT be able to detect the ink levels when using refilled or third party inks.  The reason is because Canon's ink detection system was designed to work with genuine Canon inks so it would not be able to tell the ink levels of third party due to different weight and ingredients that make it up.  The only way to detect the current ink levels would be to replace the ink tanks with genuine Canon inks and then press the STOP/RESET button again for each ink tank to turn the ink detection back on.


I hope this answers your questions.


Try to re install your ink cartriges

I think the problem may be that the clerk at Costco didn't reset the chips on the cartriges.....we shall see.
