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Problems Connecting My MG2920 to my MacBook Pro


I recently updated my IOS software to Catalina 10.15.4. As a result, I am unable to connect wirelessly to my Pixia MG2920. I have tried to update the product drivers as well, and no luck. Any suggestions on what to try?


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi smoore630,


Please follow these steps:


1.  Please load letter sized paper in your PIXMA MG2920.


 2.  Please press and hold the Stop button on your PIXMA MG2920 until the Alarm lamp flashes 15 times and then release the Stop button.


On the page that printed, what is listed next to SSID?  Is it the name of your wireless network?


What is listed next to Signal Strength?


What is listed next to IPv4 IP address?




Hi, it is currently stating that SSID is in BJNPSETUP mode, with no signal strength, and nothing listed next to the IPv4 address.
