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Printing from Chromebook to MX920 on January 1, 2021


I have an issue that I see referenced here and there on the Community Forums and in my Google searches.  Unfortunately, I haven't been able to determine a Canon supported solution or a workaround. 


I use Google Cloud Print Services to print from my Chromebook running standard ChromeOS to my MX920 printer.  The Google Cloud Print Service is end of life in December of 2020.  


There doesn't seem to be a supported way from Canon to print directly from my Chromebook to my printer.  I tried a few different things, including downloading Canon Print Service to my Chromebook like I did on my phone, but no luck - Not supported.  I tried mapping directly to my printer, but print drivers are non-existent.  


So, I ask the following to this Comminuty Forum, maybe hopping someone from Canon support reads it to answer this question, officially.... (I ask here because I truly cannot find another way to write to the company).


Does anyone know if Canon will be providing an update to their print service app or ChromeOS drivers so I can print from my Chromebook to my MX920 on January 1, 2021, or do I need to buy a new printer?..  Which will most likely be a non-Canon device because, in my opinion, to be one month out on connectivty between two devices that have a huge adoption level around the world for a company like Canon seems like silliness.  I mean, I have a Chromebook and a Canon printers.  How can these no easily work together?!?!  


Maybe I'm missing something.  Would like for any input from the community.  Thanks all!


"Absurdity" doesn't even come close. After 4 months of this, I again called Customer Service at Canon to see if there were any new developments. While the rep was pleasant, he informed there was nothing new, and the bottom line is that it appears there never will be regarding any of the MX9200 series. When I asked about the others in the same boat as me (and I'm sure there have to be several more than the few postintg here), he said he was told to tell us about an "Upgrade" program that Canon is offering so that customers might get a deal on a Canon printer that WILL work with Canon. What? I spend $ on a a unit that will work with Canon, and then they take that away (well, not them really, but still...) and now they want more of my $ to get one that will work with Chromebook? I don't think so. I have no knowledge of the whys and wherefores of the problem, but from what I read here and elsewhere, it could be solved by Canon developing a driver for the 9200 series. Just venting here, as I suspect this wiill never happen, but for anyone else who might stumble onto this forum, might as well just give up finding a solution.

I'm having the same issue with a pixma mx492.  I can print from a chrome browser in windows or on an iphone, so why can't they make it work with chromebook.  Ridiculous.  I guess I'll have to buy a new printer.... I know what brand I'm not going to consider. 


Hello everyone! I have no idea if this topic is still relevant but there was a similar topic here that was asking about this issue, and the amazing user mc2021 made a PPD that works for chromebooks! You can search up "Canon MX922 PPD" on r/chromeos for the file. Just spreading the word 😄


Edit: typo

Thank you so much for sharing this! I can confirm it worked for my MX922. I had given up hope and resorted to finding awkward ways to send files to my iPhone for air printing.

I'm having the same issue with my Canon Imageclass MF244dw not working with my chromebook.  Says I need a PPD file.  So frustrated!

Can you assist me in finding this? I cant locate it

I think the one you are referring to was on the REDDIT site a while took me a long time tweaking the settingss, but it now works for me (after over 6 months! Ridiculous...but I won't go on about that). I dont know if I'm allowed to post a link to the item, but I'll try below. The link below will give you a link to a dropbox both files listed.

Re: My above of 10/15, this no longer works on my Canon 922 with the file listed in this thread. After it is set up, the Chromebook willl not recognze the printer in the PRINT screen, and only shows  IPP/CUPPS as the printing option.
