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Pixma MX922 printing blank pages


My Pixma MX922 has suddenly started printing nothing but blank pages. It doesn't matter whether I try and print on letter or photo paper. I've done a dozen deep cleanings to no avail. I went on YouTube to learn how to remove and clean the print head. Still no difference.


This printer is only 2½ years old. I'm astounded that it has stopped working, especially since I thought Canon was a premium brand. I've Googled the problem and I'm really surprised how wide spread it is. What I'm trying to find out is if anyone has ever solved the problem, or whether this is another $85 down the toilet.


I've talked to Tech Support and they suggested a new print head. As I said, I removed and cleaned the print head and still got nothing but blank pages. I don't want to throw good money after bad, especially since I've yet to read of one user who replaced the print head and fixed the problem.


So, the question is open to this fine forum: has anyone actually fixed the problem of a Pixma MX922 printing blank pages? If you'd be kind enough to share the solution, I'd sure appreciate it, as I'm sure many others would as well.


Thanks to all!




thanks for posting this.  Will keep as reference. 


for me, a "power cycle" worked, but as this printer ages (have had it for maybe 3-4 years, very low use at home) but this year it's just one thing after another, so I'm almost sure at some point a cleaning like the one on the video you linked will be necessary. 



BTW, this is for a MG6620 model. 


@chemengineer wrote:



After 2 years of this problem, I found this forum, and I fixed the m*fo with a blend of your responses.


First I tried the 14 steps that @PDIT recommended...


The first nozzle check pattern printed faint grey squares which was obviously not right. When prompted "Which is closer for printed color patterns?", I selected "Also B", which prompted me from the printer, "Nozzle clogged, do you want to start cleaning?", so I said yes. The second nozzle check pattern came out a little more detailed, but still wrong. I cleaned once again. The third nozzle check pattern came out blank...


Then I watched the following youtube video "How to remove printhead Canon MX922, MX925 Printers" by 303 Eelctronics. (sorry coudn't attach the link)


So, I removed the ink cartridges, took out the print head and noticed that it was just as dirty as the guy's in the video, so I did what he was doing and cleaned the back with a lint-free wash rag, and a few Q-tips (note: don't touch the print pads or they will be damaged).


Then I re-inserted the print head, and cartridges (which are knock-off cartiridges I've been using for years), and printed the nozzle check pattern one more time... and BAM! It came out perfectly... I was like there is no way... 


I then tried printing a personal document and it came out perfectly.


Just needs a little cleaning and hard reset I guess? Good Luck!


The nozzle test page should look like this:

Canon MX922 Nozzle Test Page (Resized).png




all of a sudden, after printing fine the night before, today I could not print.  Tried 3 different devices (phone, tablet, computer) and all came black.  so I knew it had nothing to do with drivers. 


tried the manual (on the printer) menu for cleaning, etc; no dice.  


came across your post, and performed the steps you mentioned; and it's back!  (as you listed, no need for steps 5-7).  since this is only used at home I might not need to do that for a while, but it's good to know how to get the printhead out for future reference. 



thank. you!!!



BTW, this is for a MG6620 model. 

@PDIT wrote:

I have seen this problem with many of the Canon 5 & 6 cartridge inkjet printer models. The symptom is that the printer suddenly stops printing ink onto the page even though the cartridges all contain ink and the print-head is not blocked. By suddenly, I mean one printjob prints perfect and the next is totally blank.  Printing out a nozzle test also results in a completely blank page.


This appears to be a software issue and I have rectified this many times on multiple printers using the following method to "reboot" the software after clearing the internal memory. Note this does NOT apply if printhead is blocked with dried ink!


  1. Open the access to the cartridges with the printer on.
  2. Remove all the cartridges
  3. Pull the power cable and USB cable from the printer to trun it off leaving the printhead in position
  4. Press and hold the power button to clear any remaining charge from the powerpack
  5. Pull or lift the retaining bar from the printhead cradle and remove the printhead
  6. Check for damage or foreign objects like pieces of paper just in case!
  7. Replace printhead and return retaining bar to lock position
  8. Replace cartridges
  9. Close access cover
  10. Reconnect printer to power cord. (at least 1 minute should have elapsed since step 4.)
  11. Turn printer on
  12. Navigate to setup menu and print a nozzle test page. If all ok continue. If still blank then try the above again or call canon support or just give up on this printer.
  13. If test page is showing some or all test bars then the memory problem has been solved.
  14. Reconnect USB cable if used.

Note that steps 5-7 are not always necessary but it does force the printer to go through additional boot-up sequence and seems to be neccessary sometimes.


Good luck!


Same exact issue! Tried the cartridge removal/turnon/off/printpage solution and amazingly, it worked! Thank you for sharing this. As I've had many problems with my Canon MX922, I plan on using your forum in the future. Thanks again!

only to report that a week or so after this fix, the printer finally died.  Wife was trying to print something for our son (remote learning crap) and the printer came on, as it usually did; then just died.  nothing we did could bring it back from this.  it simply wouldn't turn on.  

kid has a nack for taking things apart, and being as printers are so cheap these days, we gave this one to him for a good 2-3 days worth of disassembling electronics to see what makes them tick, and then discarded it all. 


 as many issues as this one seemed to have towards the end, at work I have had even more issues with brother and hp ones.  and from personal experience I would also NOT touch another hp unless it was gifted to me. 


so, bought another canon. a TR8500 this time.  doesn't use the same cratridges as this pixma did, but still has the separate cartridges and is a multifunction piece.  so far so good, makes some strange noises on startup, but seems a solid unit.  time will tell, I'm glad I found this forum and will post any updates I can as we give this one some good runs. 

Yes, I agree Boca Boy. I finally realized some years ago that HP, Epson, etc. are not in the business of selling printers. They are in the "ink business". Sell printers for cost and make large profits selling ink.

I tried the 14 steps recommended by PDIT, twice. The printer is still spitting out blank pages. Plus the ink levels are dropping. I don't where the ink is going, but it isn't going on the paper. Is there any point in doing anything else, or is this printer dead?

@PDIT wrote:

I have seen this problem with many of the Canon 5 & 6 cartridge inkjet printer models. The symptom is that the printer suddenly stops printing ink onto the page even though the cartridges all contain ink and the print-head is not blocked. By suddenly, I mean one printjob prints perfect and the next is totally blank.  Printing out a nozzle test also results in a completely blank page.


This appears to be a software issue and I have rectified this many times on multiple printers using the following method to "reboot" the software after clearing the internal memory. Note this does NOT apply if printhead is blocked with dried ink!


  1. Open the access to the cartridges with the printer on.
  2. Remove all the cartridges
  3. Pull the power cable and USB cable from the printer to trun it off leaving the printhead in position
  4. Press and hold the power button to clear any remaining charge from the powerpack
  5. Pull or lift the retaining bar from the printhead cradle and remove the printhead
  6. Check for damage or foreign objects like pieces of paper just in case!
  7. Replace printhead and return retaining bar to lock position
  8. Replace cartridges
  9. Close access cover
  10. Reconnect printer to power cord. (at least 1 minute should have elapsed since step 4.)
  11. Turn printer on
  12. Navigate to setup menu and print a nozzle test page. If all ok continue. If still blank then try the above again or call canon support or just give up on this printer.
  13. If test page is showing some or all test bars then the memory problem has been solved.
  14. Reconnect USB cable if used.

Note that steps 5-7 are not always necessary but it does force the printer to go through additional boot-up sequence and seems to be neccessary sometimes.


Good luck!

Hi PDIT, thank you for your suggestions. I worked for me without having to touch the print head...

- Power on, lift cartridge housing gate, remove cratridges;

- Power off;

- Unplug power cord;

- Replace cartridges;

- Plug in power cord;

- Power on;

- Press OK on any MX920 procressing notifications;


After that the printing works fine. Having said that, let's see how it goes in the next few days.



I just had same problem with my MX922 which has been a true workhorse for years - but recently started acting odd.

I did the whole "reseating the print head" exercise and it made a difference for a day or so. But I seeing same blank page problem described here.

Even stranger, I am seeing cases where parts of one or two pages are blank when I print out a 10-20 page document.

Has anyone tried replacing the print head? (I realize that that could cost half as much as a new printer ... just curious.)


Same issue and question for my MX922. I've also run several deep cleaning cycles and manually cleaned the printhead. Could there be another physical component in the printer causing the issue?


I'll tell ya what works for me with printing head issues. I've tried several cleaners and youtube methods. The only thing that really worked was to get the tubing that fits your printer from a cleaning kit. Take out the printhead and place it on a folded paper towel so you don't get ink everywhere. Then take the tubing and place it over the grey nub. Make as tight a seal as possible and then blow forcefully from the other end for several seconds. Try not to do a wet blow. Do that for each nub. Ink will come out and hopefully unclog the printhead.
