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Pixma MX 892 Won't Turn On


My Pixma MX892, which I would guess is a little over a year old, has suddenly stopped working.  I was able to print just two days ago, but now the unit will not turn on at all.  Yes it is plugged in and yes the cord is connected to the unit.  It simply won't start no matter how many times the power button is pushed or how long it is held down.  Is this a known issue and what might be a way to fix this problem?

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Has anyone found a way to at least find a facility that's provide repair services? I wasted a long time on the phone with a service rep going through "unplug, mash buttons, change cable, change outlet, bla-bla" procedures to no avail, irt wont come back to life no matter what I do.


They gave me a number to a service center in Settle but I cant get a anyone on the phone. Anyone knows how to actually find a facility that'd look at the unit? I need this resolved or need to know if I should just throw this away and get a more reliable product that want die for no apparent reason.

I called a local tech shop and he agreed to look at it and see if he could find a part (in this case it was the part the cable plugs into). As he told me, Canon no longer makes the part so he was at a dead end. Goodbye Canon, hello HP.

Mine was an older aio pixma mc inkjet that turned off while faxing and would not come back on.

Thanks Jonesy, will get something new then, which model were you planning to get?

I also have an HP Officejet 6500 A+(wireless) as a backup to the Canon Inkjet.  Don't get me wrong, have had problems with HP also but also have had some good Canon and HP LASER printing machines.  Have heard some good reports of Brother but not sure of what model.  Might require some research. Also have had one of first Epson inkjets, wasn't too happy with that one either.

Unfortunately, this MX892 printer appears to be a lemon for everyone.  I expect my experience is shared by many....


First, without any previous signs of trouble the unit no longer powers on.  

Next, if you are able to get it to power on, you get a 'B200' error.

Then, after repeated attempts to solve for this, you get a different (and I assume more serious) 'U052' error.


I am waiting to hear back from online support, but expect to be told to take it in for repairs for a cost well above what I paid for the printer in the first place.  


Certainly disappointing!





Was hoping to find some help here but it would seem this condition is a "programmed failure" designed to put money into someones pocket.  Time for a new printer I guess and DEFINATELY NOT another canon.  Brother has some nice units.


Add mine to the list! Smiley Sad

So after leaving the unresponsive printer unplugged for 24 hrs I tried to plug in and turn on, I got a B200 error, so I read another forum on here about that error. A person said to follow these steps:


"Here is what worked for me: 1. Turn OFF Power 2. Open the print head bay (as though you were about to change inks) 3. Turn ON power 4. Wait for print carriage to start moving to the left and let it go past half way 5. Before print carriage reaches left hand side (but after going halfway across) shut the cover. 6. Leave the Printer turned on 7. Good to go. It took 2 attempts before it worked. Some people said it took 3-4 attempts. Now, prior to this, I did clean the pads the cartridges sit on and used a qtip to wipe the encoder strip. I`m not sure if it was the combination of those things or just doing the fix."


This actaully worked for me without any cleaning 🙂



Yes, that method worked for me for 2 days, then the printer completely died.  Don't be surprised when your Canon won't power back on.
