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Pixma MX 892 Won't Turn On


My Pixma MX892, which I would guess is a little over a year old, has suddenly stopped working.  I was able to print just two days ago, but now the unit will not turn on at all.  Yes it is plugged in and yes the cord is connected to the unit.  It simply won't start no matter how many times the power button is pushed or how long it is held down.  Is this a known issue and what might be a way to fix this problem?

218 REPLIES 218

Sigh. Same thing happened to me. 18 month old Pixma. I loved it until now ... totally unacceptable for a multi-function printer to suddenly die after only 18 months. I was not a heavy user of it either. 

Don't buy anything Canon from now on. I know I won't be buying anything Canon from now on - printers, camcorders, cameras, you name it. 


Also, for those stuck with a dead printer, see if you bought your printer using VISA/Mastercard/AmEx within the last two years. If you can find the receipt and the credit card statement, you can most probably get your money back as most credit card companies extend the warranty protection by 1 year. I just got my check back from VISA for the amount of the printer and my printer broke down 4 months before the 2 years were going to expire. 


And fire Canon!!!

I'm sorry to still hear people are having these printer "failures".  Looks like we are all being ignored by Canon.  One would think that we may have heard something from them by now, but I guess profits trump good customer relations.


I have spent thousands of dollars on Canon products during my life time, but that has ended when this last printer died.  No more Canon products - any of them (too bad I bought my wife a Canon D3200 camera last Christmas).


My HP multitasking printer is still humming along - only problem was during a power outage.  I guess even HP's still need electricity . 

I hear ya nebnetto,


Being an EET I thought perhaps I could have remedied a few of the problems but was hindered and severely un-successful! I've moved on to the Brother!!  So far? It's been good! I have printer/scanner/faxinoiya tho and I'm just Petrified it'll happen again!!!  NOOOOOOOOOO!

I went into a Staples / Business Depot store yesterday to replace my 2 year old Pixma 892 that suddenly stopped turning on. I really liked other features of the Pixma so I asked their electronics department staff, "What Canon can I buy that won't die in two years?" His reply? "None. They all die after about a year or two years now." So I bought a Brother - same features, way cheaper ink. Bye bye Canon from a formerly happy customer....

Good to see not everyone drinks the kool-aid.


You cannot be any worse off with another brand.  At worst, it dies after the warranty

is over (just like a Canon).  At best, it lasts past that second year and you're ahead

of the game Canon is playing.


Good luck.


If anyone else is fed up with Canon's lack of quality and deffinate disrespect for it's

customers - buy a different product . . .  and let everyone know it.


HP still running great.

Ditto with a variation, Mine turns on and immediately throws an error and dies,


Light use, now it throws error 6901. And it sits there.


The official support reply is "unplug from the wall, plug back in, and if it fails again to start send it in for service"






Mine just died yesterday after 12 months.  No lights, no nothing.  I had been using in my home office plus each of my 2 college girls have Canon printers as well as 2 canon cameras.   So tired of dealing with compnaies who won't acknowledge defective products.  Never again. Just purchased an Epson WorkForce WF3620.

Well I've joined the dead Pixma MX892 group too. I printed a page and then went to print another and it was totally dead. It was around 2 years old. It was a warranty replacement for another Canon. I did try customer service but that's a dead end. They offered to give me a discount on a new printer. They didn't seem to be concerned about my issue nor the fact that so many other people have the dead printer issue.

I've been pro Canon for several years but I'm thinking of buying another brand. This was my 2nd dead printer in less than 4 years. 

This is TOTALLY unexceptable!



I got my Epson up and running in minutes on Mac OSX.  So far, so good.  Got it on Amazon the next day.
